IOC President Thomas Bach joins our Global eCollege session

2021. június 10. 20:23

Michael Payne's latest book Toon In! officially presented to IOC President.

2021. június 10. 20:23
AIPS Media 1924

„IOC President Thomas Bach joins our Global eCollege session today from the @OlympicMuseum in Lausanne: 50 DAYS TO TOKYO 2020

Michael Payne's latest book Toon In! officially presented to IOC President 

Shinsuke Kobayashi:  »People in Japan are still skeptical about Tokyo, but when Australian team arrived to the airport smiling they started to look at the situation differently«, AIPS Jury member Kobayashi feels cautiously optimistic. 

»Huge benefit in hosting Olympics. For Japan, the financial loss would be incalculable considering mostly for the years ahead«. says Michael Payne on @tokyo2020 financial benefits.”

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