This week's Budapest Conference on Cyberspace

2012. október 03. 11:03

Thankfully the benefits of the internet are being felt more widely than ever. But to keep it safe while extending its reach, we need to relearn what it's actually for: open societies and free communication.

2012. október 03. 11:03
William Hague, János Martonyi
"A year ago we began the collective endeavour of enhancing and protecting this for future generations. For the first time the London Conference on Cyberspace brought together Ministers, industry leaders, the internet technical community, civil society and youth from across the world to begin a dialogue on shared principles and to set out the agenda for how to build a secure, resilient and trusted global digital environment. This week, Hungary will host a conference to drive this agenda forward 'with trust and security for freedom and prosperity'. (...)
In the last year we have made good progress: OECD policy principles have established a benchmark to preserve the fundamental openness of the Internet; the UN has begun work on norms for behaviour in cyberspace including at the Human Rights Council; the Den Haag Conference Declaration established a cross-regional coalition of countries in a Freedom Online Coalition to protect and promote freedom of expression online; the Council of Europe has driven further implementation of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime; and there has been increasing agreement between members of the OSCE and ASEAN Regional Forum on how to develop confidence building measures to reduce the risk of unintended conflict between states.
Budapest will build on this. We will explore in more depth the free and secure use of cyberspace; the importance of capacity building for internet security; and the drivers behind the continued development of cyberspace, particularly increased prosperity and enhanced benefits to societies. We will also push the debate on how these can be maintained and improved through mechanisms which promote innovation, freedom and co-operation, but manage the threats from crime, inequalities of access and a lack of trust.

It is not just governments who are meeting. Among more than 600 expected participants will be senior representatives from international and regional organisations, the business community, civil society and academia. Bringing together such a wide group of leaders will enable us to discuss and agree the key principles that we can use to drive the myriad of detailed working level meetings and conferences that will take place during the next year. It is crucial that we maximise the synergies and cooperation between the public and private sectors."

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