Hungary’s new path is the hidden danger to Europe

2011. október 10. 10:13

As Hungary veers from the EU mandate without consequence, there is risk for the union.

2011. október 10. 10:13
Ian Bremmer
Financial Times

„Mr Orban on the surface continues with his savvy communications policy that casts his proposals as fiscal proactivity and separates Hungary from Greece. On substance, the government continues along the path charted since it took office, incrementally rotting the integrity of the country’s democratic institutions. The eurozone has learnt that it lacks the institutions to police its members’ fiscal policies, and the world is paying the price. What Hungary demonstrates is that the EU also has a political blind spot that threatens its foundations – once a country is admitted, there are no viable mechanisms to enforce its continued adherence to the union’s mandate.

At the EU’s inception, member countries drafted the Copenhagen criteria – three non-negotiable tests that a nation must pass in its application for membership. To join the EU, a country needs a functioning, free market economy. It needs to adhere to the political and economic aims of the union. It also requires institutions that guarantee democracy and civil liberties. This is where Hungary increasingly falls short. Alarmingly, there is no institutional or legal recourse that the EU can fall back on to enforce the rules. Hungary is the first example of a member country that has not just dragged its feet on the path to democracy – it has back-pedalled.

As Hungary veers from the EU mandate without consequence, there is risk for the union. Those who are in the EU club but not the eurozone have another reason to question the benefits of more integration and adopting the euro. And recent developments could make those on the outside question whether all of the EU’s cherished principles still hold. There is also a real risk that the brand gets tainted and with it, the moral suasion that Europe can bring to bear on countries that still need to undertake political reforms. Desperate times call for desperate measures, yes. And desperate times grant political cover for calculated power-grabs too.”
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2011. október 17. 13:52
2011. október 13. 22:24
Hat nem mastol, mint a Jobbiktol van egesz Europa berezelve, ezt ezek az okosok szinten elmondtak mar tobbszor.
2011. október 13. 22:17
welcome to the dumb side of the force
2011. október 13. 12:05
Ez a cikk az utolsó tangó a süllyedő Titanicon
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