„It took far too long, but the cruelty of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria has finally registered with his Arab neighbors. They are speaking out against a reign of terror that has claimed the lives of as many as 1,600 courageous Syrians since pro-democracy protests began in March. The harshest statement came on Sunday from Saudi Arabia. It had special resonance because it was issued by King Abdullah and called for the Syrian leader to stop the »killing machine and end the bloodshed«. The king said »every sane Muslim and Arab« knows that hope for the region will not come from »the blood of innocent people«.
Saudi Arabia’s statement was all the more important in following weaker criticisms by the Arab League and the Gulf Cooperation Council. On Monday, along with Kuwait and Bahrain, Saudi Arabia recalled its ambassador from Damascus in protest. Their actions demonstrate Mr. Assad’s increasing alienation, including among Sunni Arab states that were previously supportive.
The fact that they waited so long is a disgrace. Mr. Assad — a member of Islam’s minority Alawite sect — has escalated the violence dramatically, with brutal tank assaults on two mainly Sunni cities. Not even the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan has deterred him. Initially, Arab leaders viewed Syria as too powerful and too important to cross. But it has been clear for some time that he is destabilizing the region (thousands of Syrians have fled to Turkey) and eventually will be brought down. Mr. Assad also has been an important ally of Iran — whom they all fear.”