Why Are We Sacrificing Two Soldiers a Day in Afghanistan?

2010. december 16. 12:25

America’s foreign policy lacks the backbone to do the right thing in Afghanistan—which is leave.

2010. december 16. 12:25
„American forces are in Afghanistan and getting killed every day on average. This is not an improvement over anything. An improvement would be no American soldiers getting killed in Afghanistan. There is a very simple way to implement that, but it takes courage and real leadership to do it.

America’s foreign policy lacks the backbone to do the right thing in Afghanistan—which is leave. Every day there is just saving face, a failure to admit that history is yet again repeating itself. Staying in Afghanistan at the rate of two deaths a day isn’t a strong leadership position. It’s not even making one of those hard decisions that comes with the executive office. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The hard and right choice would be to pull American forces out of Afghanistan. President Obama won’t do it. It’s easier to have dead bodies coming back to America than to leave, it seems. There is no logic here. It is in fact, insanity, a deadly concession to the Military Industrial Complex and an inability to face facts. Hubris was a stand-out characteristic of the last administration; it’s sad to see it in the present one.

Compared to two dead soldiers a day, I don’t care how bad the American economy is. I don’t care about the argument over tax rates, unemployment extensions, and healthcare. None of that matters to me when I think of two or more soldiers getting killed every day in Afghanistan.”
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sine ira et studio
2010. december 19. 14:56
This result isn't surprising, is it? America started a war nine years ago. Occupied a full country, won over a middle-age army. That was the easy part. Everyone knew that Afghanistan is a quasi-country. With a quasi-government, making politics from their quasi-parliament. And what happened? America ruined this quasi-country, and faced the real problem, that a real government must be constructed. And that's why she has no victory chances. The government, built by America has no good reputations among the people in Afghanistan. It seems, that America is the only one interested in peaceful relations. It makes no sense for fighting, but the retreat can be the new dawn of terrorism and a real danger to America.
2010. december 18. 19:03
Rollins 4 Prezident.
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