Anti-Fascism Unites Hungary

2012. december 05. 14:48

On Sunday, Dec. 2, thousands of Hungarians stood united against anti-Semitism at a protest rally in Budapest. Politicians from the ruling and opposition parties were there, too, speaking up against the controversial remarks by Márton Gyöngyösi.

2012. december 05. 14:48
Marietta Le

This was the second such rally. The first one took place on Nov. 27, but was nowhere near as numerous, with just a few hundred people attending.

A foundation called All Together For Jerusalem had organized the Dec. 2 protest [hu], which, according to Reuters, drew around 10,000 people. (For the sake of comparison, according to the Hungarian police's estimates [hu], on the National Holiday in October, ca. 150,000 attended the government-organized event, 20,000 showed up for the citizen movement's protest, and a couple of thousand people came to the far-right party's rally.)
Gyöngyösi later apologized for his remarks, but the public debate on the far right gaining more and more support in Hungary has been re-opened - and, to some extent, it has united the Hungarian nation.”

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