Te nem liberális vagy, hanem egy ócska propagandista
Aki azóta, hogy kiesett Fekete-Győr elnökségi csapatából a gyűlöletkeltést számlázza ki a cégén keresztül.
Tim Berners Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web has asked people not to support Facebook's Internet.org initiative.
„Tim Berners-Lee, the English computer scientist who is the inventor of the World Wide Web, has attacked Facebook's Internet.org or 'Free Basics' initiative that offers a limited set of websites and apps free of charge to users in developing countries. The initiative has been widely panned as it's considered that it violates the principles of net neutrality.
In an interview with The Guardian, Berners-Lee said people in emerging markets should »just say no« to the project. He said the initiative was not internet and that there were other ways of reducing the price of access.”