The European Debate on the Fourth Amendment 1.

2013. április 14. 10:44

I don’t think that many people (pace Kim Lane Scheppele) are really, truly, deeply interested in the actual contents of the Fourth Amendment package. Interjú.

2013. április 14. 10:44
Schöpflin György
Mos Maiorum

One can’t separate out ideology from other political considerations. There are, I would hazard a guess, several interconnected reasons why Guy Verhofstadt (and others) have adopted the very outspoken positions that they have regarding the Fidesz government in Hungary.

Some of this is, indeed, ideological. The current liberal consensus seems to have taken Fukuyama seriously, that liberal democracy, in their definition, is the sole acceptable and meaningful form of democracy. Anything that deviates from this is absurd, irrational and, to use slightly hyperbolic language, an abomination. Indeed, to take this line of thinking a stage further, I am inclined to believe that liberalism, as currently defined, has come adrift from its historical roots. Mill or Tocqueville certainly argued in favour of a liberalism that was constituted by a plurality of voices. Instead, what calls itself liberalism today has been captured by a kind of historical inevitability, not unlike that of the Marxists, that the liberal consensus is the only legitimate form of political thinking. In a word, it has become dogma.

More widely, the problem is that this dogmatic liberalism claims that it has a monopoly of what constitutes democracy. To my mind, this is undemocratic, because it excludes sizeable swathes of opinion from the concept of democracy, negates the idea of popular sovereignty and imposes a political exclusion on those in disagreement with the newly-minted liberal canon. A moment’s thought will show that non-liberal currents – conservatism, Christian Democracy, democratic socialism, even what is written off as »populism« – all accept democratic norms, like changing governments by election, rule of law, self-limitation, feedback, accountability and transparency. The key values of dogmatic liberalism are universalism, human rights, gender mainstreaming, citizenship replacing ethnicity, a democracy agenda for the rest of the world. These cannot be converted into a necessary condition of democracy, at best they are helpful conditions.

From this perspective, the very fact that a centre-right party should not only have been elected by a two-thirds majority, but should actually have the impertinence to use it to effect a transformation is flying in the face of history and must, logically, be eliminated from the political field as a dire threat to the liberal mindset. Not least, the fact that a government with a two-thirds majority has the right to initiate constitutional changes is interpreted as a thoroughgoing threat precisely because of the transformation itself.

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2013. április 14. 17:51
Ez tetszik, eszembe juttatta, hogy van, ami törvényesnek törvényes de nem etikus. "Not long ago, EUobserver published a fairly strongly worded attack on Hungary by the aforementioned Guy Verhofstadt. I offered to write a response, the offer was accepted, but the EUobserver editors refused to publish it, saying that what I had written, viz. that Verhofstadt was entirely mistaken as far as the content the Amendment package was concerned, could not be true. “Can’t they read?” was their response. I then rewrote the piece in its entirety, quoting chunks of the package verbatim. After a considerable time lapse on EUobserver’s part, it was posted on their website, but not on their opening page, on a Saturday when few people read it, and it was not included in their daily newsletter. Verhofstadt’s original opinion piece, on the other hand, was posted on their opening page and was included in the newsletter."
2013. április 14. 11:59
Egyetértek Györggyel, amikor a feltett kérdésre a következőket válaszolja; „MM: Is it possible to improve the image of Hungary in the short run? If so, how? Schöpflin: In the short run, no. One has to think of the medium term. My sense of it is, however, that the Fourth Amendment storm will soon be overtaken by other, far more serious crises (Cyprus, Italy, Spain, Slovenia to mention only four). In the longer term, it is vital that the government elaborate a strategic communication and image-building policy, which focuses on soft power, not just fire-fighting. This means thinking ahead, thinking through the impact of domestic policy decisions on the international environment (the extra Hungariam dimension) and, crucially, taking soft power seriously. This means the steady promotion of Hungary by the wide variety of instruments that soft power requires. And that is a task that goes beyond the government. It applies to all sources of information, argument, analysis and to all actors involved. And that, by the way, does mean communicating in languages other than Hungarian (to overcome the discursive deficit) and that is why I am glad that this interview was conducted in English.” Nem szabad azonban megfeledkezni arról, hogy az erőszakos, agresszív bel- és külföldi támadásokra nehéz nyugodt és mérsékelt kommunikációval válaszolni. Ehhez egy nagyon jól felépített stábnak kell lennie, s aki az érintett szereplőket felkészíti. Azonban teljes védelmet ez sem nyújt, mert jól látható, hogy minden körülmény között működik a „van sapka, nincs sapka” stílus, a teller levél és a legutóbbi történetből eredő kumunikációs stratégia vonulata.
2013. április 14. 11:49
Helyes! Kezd nagyon visszataszító, fordulatot venni a "liberalizmus" nevében történő uszítás, és hazudozás. Az egész jelenség kezd ugyanolyan eltorzult formát felvenni, mint a "létező szocializmus" anno. Gyakorlatilag semmi köze az alapeszméhez. Az csak hab a tortán, hogy a magyarországi, mindenféle politikai eszmerendszert nélkülöző posztkommunista bolsevizmust is liberalizmusnak és demokráciának akarják egyesek feltüntetni utólag Ezt a jelenséget csak fokozza, hogy ehhez még egy hamisan kornyikáló, csúnyán megvezetett euró-atlanti kánont is sikerült összeszervezni a túlmotivált magyarországi hazudozóknak, akik jelenleg a demokratikus kereteket próbálják kiüresíteni, felforgatni, a szabad és demokratikus választások eredményét felülírni, csak mert ezeket elvesztették. Persze mindezt a "demokrácia" nevében. Ezt egyszerűen nem kell hagyni, és eltűrni.
2013. április 14. 11:25
I don't truly think, that the opinion of a brown-noser really matters in the pathetic attempt to white-wash the utterly bolshevik power tactics of the fidesz maffia make my day, sink deeper in your lies
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