A nyugati egyetemekre betört a világnézeti diszkrimináció, Magyarország még ellentarthat

Az esemény üzenete egyértelmű: az egyetemeknek a valódi szellemi fejlődés és a bátor intellektuális viták helyszínének kell maradniuk.

When it comes to sustainability, respondents don’t appear to have a clear picture of corporate leadership either.
„With this lack of public confidence, it’s not surprising that when it comes to sustainability, respondents don’t appear to have a clear picture of corporate leadership either.
So what companies do people see as socially and environmentally responsible? Why do some make the cut, and others don’t? Our recent poll – which is part of our Radar Research Program that tracks public opinion of business -- has discovered that there are certain factors that the public recognizes more than others – and that the power of a narrative should never be underestimated.”