Obama and Israel

2011. szeptember 22. 13:51

The Jewish community, requires more than words of support.

2011. szeptember 22. 13:51

„The key for Mr. Obama will be actions, not words. He has said all of the things one would expect a U.S. president to say. He supports Israel’s right to exist and its right to defend itself from terrorists who, let’s remember, would like nothing more than to destroy Israel and cripple the U.S. The enemies of Israel are the enemies of the United States. That simple fact seems, at times, to have eluded the president’s foreign-policy team.

The Jewish community, however, requires more than words of support. It wants action, and it deserves nothing less. Israel’s strategic position is more perilous today than it was a year ago. The revolution in Egypt has led to a rise in anti-Israel sentiment in that country. Upheavals elsewhere could lead to further tensions in the region as demagogues try to rally support by whipping up sentiment against the Jewish state.

Mr. Obama needs to reach out to the American Jewish community to hear its concerns and to respond accordingly with strong, decisive action. Israel is an unabashed, unapologetic ally of the United States in a region not known for its friendly attitude toward Washington. Yes, Mr. Obama—and any American president—should have the credibility and power to bring all sides together to negotiate a permanent peace in the region. But the U.S. also must remain firm in its support for an ally and a friend.”

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Julio Salazar
2011. szeptember 26. 13:23
The jewish community has already got much more that it deserved. It is now time to make the remedy and give the rightious support , help and adoration to the Palestinians !! Long Live the Republic opf Palestine ! God bless the Palestinian nation !
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