Obama and Boehner take on Washington

2011. július 26. 12:52

Sorry, gents, but the president and the speaker don’t get to campaign against Washington. You are Washington.

2011. július 26. 12:52
Dana Milbank
Washongton Post

„Boehner and Obama won’t get far campaigning against Salt Lake City. And they can’t wring much more out of their old talking points. (Obama revived his crusade against corporate jet owners, oil companies and hedge fund managers, while Boehner attempted to argue that five Democratic votes for his »Cut, Cap and Balance« bill made it a »bipartisan«.)

With polls showing that four out of five Americans are displeased with the federal government, campaigning against Washington is a no-brainer. Obama presented himself as the protector of average Americans, so they don’t »become collateral damage to Washington’s political warfare«. Americans see »the same partisan three-ring circus here in Washington«, Obama-the-outsider said. »They see leaders who can’t seem to come together and do what it takes«, he said – as if he held no position of authority in this town.

Boehner then said that, when he came to Washington, »I was amazed at how different Washington, DC, operated than every other business in America«. He didn’t mention that he arrived in Washington 21 years ago. Sorry, gents, but the president and the speaker don’t get to campaign against Washington. You are Washington.”

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