Hungary heads in undemocratic direction

2011. április 25. 19:37

Fidesz's nationalist vision has potentially been enshrined forever: even if the party loses future elections, its appointees will keep exercising power.

2011. április 25. 19:37
„If the process of drafting the constitution was politically one-sided, so is the document itself: its preamble – the »profession of national faith« – enshrines an ethnic vision of Hungary as a Christian country and rather pathetically evokes historical grandeur. Many Hungarians simply cringe when they read the preamble's trumpeting of Hungarian achievements in the world and the saga of how one small country saved Europe from the Turks. Outsiders, on the other hand, may want to go easy on what appears to be the inferiority complex of a country that has never quite overcome the impact of huge losses of people and territory after the first world war.

But the preamble is not just national martyrology and kitschy symbolism. Its national conservative values, so one constitutional article states, are to inform interpretations of the document as a whole. Many international experts construe further provisions to mean that all the liberal democratic constitutional jurisprudence since 1989 – being still connected to the originally communist constitution – is invalid..

Now, consider two further »innovations«: first, a comprehensive weakening of checks and balances – notably a much enfeebled new constitutional court – and the fact that the new constitution will be virtually impossible to amend, while much legislation, notably budgets, can only be passed with a two-third majorities. Second, the systematic staffing of the judiciary and other nominally independent agencies with Fidesz appointees for exceptionally long periods.

What is the result? Fidesz's nationalist vision has potentially been enshrined forever: even if the party loses future elections, its appointees will keep exercising power, while the party itself will in all likelihood retain considerable influence, since no other political grouping is likely to muster a two-thirds majority. Any potential leftwing government will be highly constrained; its budget could be vetoed by the (Fidesz-staffed) budgetary council, upon which the (Fidesz-appointed) president can dissolve parliament.”
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2011. április 27. 00:23
Elképedek magamon is, hogy mennyire nem érdekel a külföld véleménye az Alkotmányról. Még az is lehet, hogy nem vagyok értelmiségi. Mindegy, majd csak túlélem valahogy.
2011. április 26. 14:25
"Fidesz's nationalist vision has potentially been enshrined forever: even if the party loses future elections, its appointees will keep exercising power" Since the former administration sold all the strategic economical positions to themselves and for investors for peanuts, they keep exercising power. You are talking of your *comrades*. "Outsiders, on the other hand, may want to go easy on what appears to be the inferiority complex of a country that has never quite overcome the impact of huge losses of people and territory after the first world war." If you don't like it don't read it. It's none of your business anyway. "first, a comprehensive weakening of checks and balances – notably a much enfeebled new constitutional court – and the fact that the new constitution will be virtually impossible to amend, while much legislation, notably budgets, can only be passed with a two-third majorities." Checks and balances could not prevent the country and its leaders to roll up a sum of 80% public dept or to sell out the national wealth and eventually make Hungary a huge logistics center containing the junk product of Europe. But it successfully prevented each and any effort to get out of this situation. The goals of the constitute are not impossible, only not yet achieved, that's why they are called 'goals' (since the communist constitution preferred no goals to help oppressors to handle people, it's just a template with no goals, you know, , people sticking to it stick to the nothing). As the current situation is not desired for the majority, there must be some goals. Firm but fair ones. I know competition or effort is very far from the libertarian and socialist hands that got unused to working hard, but that's why they did not participate when there was a chance. No problem if parties without 2/3 support don't mess with the goals of our nation, as we have seen in the past 20 years, leading nowhere. "Second, the systematic staffing of the judiciary and other nominally independent agencies with Fidesz appointees for exceptionally long periods." One that can't tell the difference between *nominally independent* and *independent* is not someone to be relied upon when talking about *real* things. It was not independent and it's not independent. It's just the whine of those losing their privileges. Too bad you know nothing but the opinion of your libertarian friends. Perhaps you should ask the opinion of the other side as well. Before you make yourself discredited.
2011. április 26. 14:09
Miért kellett volna elmennie Budapestről vidékre? Amit leírt, ahhoz elég az alkotmány szövegét elolvasni. Számára a "nemzeti hitvallás" kisebbrendűségi komplexussal rendelkező országra vall. A fékek (checks and balances) átfogó gyengítése, egyes adóintézkedések 2/3-ossá tétele, azaz a következő kormányok kezének megkötése, a költségvetési tanács költségvetésre vonatkozó vétójoga, ez mind bent van az alkotmányban. Elég volt elolvasni a szerzőnek, ahhoz, hogy saját olvasóinak beszámoljon róla.
Charlie Chan
2011. április 25. 22:08
Amazing confidence no content. Why? Please do come to Hungary, leave Budapest for at least a day, talk to others than the five you always do, and be amazed :)
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