Azt magyarázzátok el nekem, hogy van az, hogy valakiről minden kikerülő információt meghamisítanak

Ha ezt nem tudjátok elmagyarázni, akkor azt mondjátok meg, hogy miként akadhat olyan nagykorú, cselekvőképes ember, aki mindezt elhiszi.

The Arab spring lifts Barack Obama with its aura. In celebrating the Egyptian people’s triumph, he looked like a man ensconced on the right side of history.
„It has to be said that Obama intuited something, or so it now appears. He got lucky. When, in celebrating the Egyptian people’s peaceful triumph, he quoted Martin Luther King on this great awakening of Arab peoples determined to assert their dignity and gain their freedom, he looked a president in full, a man ensconced on the right side of history. By contrast, the American right has found itself tied up in knots, wondering how to disentangle the words freedom and Arab, the first demanding its hard-wired allegiance, the second demanding its Israel-dictated skepticism. Pity the poor Republican newbies, once so full of certainties, confronted by a nuanced world!