Hungary Party Wants Free Booze, World Peace, Cash for All

2010. augusztus 05. 13:01

The Two-Tailed Dog Party will run in municipal elections in Budapest and in Szeged.

2010. augusztus 05. 13:01
„The Two-Tailed Dog Party — a street-art grouping critical of the system, the media, and anything in general — will run in municipal elections, scheduled for October 3, in Hungary’s capital Budapest and in Szeged, in the country’s south.

Similarly to Iceland’s famous Best Party (Besti Flokkurinn), which eventually managed to win elections in Reykjavik in May, the Two-Tailed Dog Party’s election promises are pretty appealing.

Under the party’s elections manifesto »Let everything be better,« they promise free beer, no taxes, cash handouts and, most importantly, world peace. They want to open a Hungarian restaurant on Mars and set up a decent and functional space station in the Hungarian city of Pecs. They’re want to cut carbon-dioxide emission in Azerbaijan, send Sweden’s storm god Mraznuk back home, and give everyone money without work.”
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