Donald Trump szétverte a washingtoni liberális központot

Nemcsak a főhadiszállás változik, de a vezér is: Soros György után itt van a fia, Alex.

Beginning in 1949, for 5 years the CIA parachuted Ukrainian infiltrators into the region. To the Soviets it was as if the US were infiltrating guerrillas into Canada or Mexico.
"For those of you angry with my analysis of Ukraine yesterday, please try to understand the bigger picture I’m offering. I have no brief for Viktor Yanukovych, he may well be the most corrupt president Ukraine’s ever had. Ukraine has a dramatic history of corruption. That is not my point. How Yanukovych was removed is -- and although many (perhaps a majority) of Ukrainian people wanted him out, there is ample evidence of pro-Western, third party interference, beginning with Victoria Nuland, John McCain, USAID, National Endowment for Democracy (who apparently organize very well on Facebook and Twitter), etc. Why for instance are so many policemen dead and wounded, and yet no one has investigated this in the new government?
The other point to consider in the big picture is US involvement with Ukraine going back to 1949, when the CIA and strongly anti-Soviet Defense Secretary James Forrestal created a guerrilla army codenamed ‘Nightingale,’ made up of ultra-nationalist Ukrainians. The Nazis originally set up the prototype of this militia up in 1941 to wreak havoc in famine-racked regions where Soviet control was loose, carrying out the murder of 1000s of Jews, Soviets, and Poles who opposed a separate Ukrainian state.
Beginning in 1949, for 5 years the CIA parachuted Ukrainian infiltrators into the region. To the Soviets it was as if the US were infiltrating guerrillas into Canada or Mexico.
The big picture is the US has never given up on using Ukraine as a launching pad to the underbelly of the Soviet Union, now a reduced Russia. This Cold War 2.0 policy continues in a most deadly fashion, and whether they know it or not, the Ukrainian civilian population in the middle has suffered greatly from this ideological crusade."