Senki sem számított erre a pofonegyszerű magyarázatra: Kocsis Máté már tudja, miért futamodott meg Magyar Péter
Meglehetősen szellemesen foglalta össze a véleményét a Fidesz frakcióvezetője.
The “average Joe” image he dons, coupled with his “freedom fighter” credentials, has made Orbán a well-liked politician, respected for his decisiveness and candor.
„Their prospects were further undermined after the former vice president of the Socialist party, Gabor Simon, found himself caught in quite the political pickle. In early February, it was discovered that the Socialist politician had been holding the hefty sum of 770,000 euros in an Austrian bank account, which he conveniently failed to mention in his declaration of assets (required of all MPs by Hungarian law). Since then, further bank accounts in his name have been discovered, and he continues to deny that the money is his own. Having disgraced his party just before the elections, Simon resigned and has been taken into custody. These recent allegations of corruption at the highest levels of the Socialist party certainly do not help the party’s standing in the eyes of an already skeptical Hungarian public. (...)
In stark contrast to international media, the dominant narrative in the Hungarian press is that Orbán has served the country’s interests and proven able to steer Hungary away from the brink of collapse, staving off a Greek-type default and protecting his citizens from exploitation by foreign banks. The »average Joe« image he dons, coupled with his »freedom fighter« credentials, has made Orbán a well-liked politician, respected for his decisiveness and candor.