2004-ben csatlakoztunk az EU-hoz, hosszú és bonyolult folyamat volt

És most ezt az ukránokkal néhány pillanat alatt akarják megtenni. Ez nem korrekt! Ez nem így megy!

I don’t want Mr Parker to taste my wines. I believe in nature!
„- What’s your view of awards?
- I’ve got some and they helped me to develop. Now, they’re not important.
- And the Robert Parker system of ranking wines?
- I don’t want Mr Parker to taste my wines. I believe in nature! (...)
- Tell us about a surprising wine in your cellar.
- The greatest surprise was in 2000 – a dry furmint wine from Úrágya vineyard which has a very stony, rocky red clay and 50-year-old vines. It was ripe, rich and dense, with perfect body and intense aromas.
- What do you drink on a school night?
- Young, dry furmint.
- There’s a noticeable disparity between the numbers of male and female winemakers. Why do you think this is so?
- This work needs a lot of time in hard circumstances, to meet workers and visitors, to travel, etc. The ladies play a different role in the family; it is difficult to fit the grape-growing and winemaking into their lives.
- What has been your best experience in the wine industry? And the worst?
- The best is that I discovered that quality has no borders. The worst is that I make plans and nature has finished them differently.
- Are you adjusting your winemaking practices because of climate change? If not, do you anticipate you’ll have to?
- I had to adjust my practice in cool years already, with malolactic fermentation.”