Europe needs to send Hungary a signal

2010. november 24. 10:19

It's time the EU made some noise about Hungary's attacks on democracy and the rule of law.

2010. november 24. 10:19

„One effect of the financial crisis has been to make European countries more inward-looking: everyone is dealing with their own problems (and debts) as best as they can, and attention only shifts elsewhere in the EU when a nation might default altogether, as with Greece and now Ireland. But the EU was never meant to be just about money and markets: at least from the 1980s onwards, it was also meant to promote and secure democracy. This was particularly important for Spain and Portugal and then the central and eastern European states that joined in 2004. But now the EU seems to be turning a blind eye to one of these countries: Hungary, where a governing party with a huge majority in parliament is busy dismantling the rule of law and eroding a fragile democratic political culture.

Last April, the centre-right Fidesz party gained more than two-thirds of seats, ousting a socialist government widely perceived as corrupt and mendacious. An extreme nationalist party, Jobbik, infamous for its anti-Roma and antisemitic rhetoric, gathered almost as many votes as the socialists, while the Liberal party, once the home of former dissidents, disappeared altogether. A two-thirds majority is enough to change the constitution and also to enact an entirely new one.

Since winning such a large number of seats, the government of the charismatic Fidesz leader, Viktor Orbán, has tried to control the public media more firmly. The head of the audit office, the public prosecutor and future judges on the constitutional court now depend only on the goodwill of Fidesz, whereas consensus or compromise between different parties was required before. The government also got rid of the president of the country, even though he was a Fidesz man, because as a respected former head of the constitutional court he was still too much of an independent thinker.”

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2010. november 24. 13:02
A másik érdekesség, hogy egészen felkészült mszp-s droidok is munkálkodnak itt a guardian-cikk alatt. Amerikainak tűnnek. A magyar kormánynak mikor lesz ilyen jó droidkommandója? Haladni kellene a korral, ha Izrael és Kína képes rá, Magyarországnak is fel kellene állítania ilyen alakulatokat.
2010. november 24. 12:39
Amugy meg az EU csak fogja be azok utan ami "jelet" mar kuldott nekunk: "a hianyt tartjatok es kesz. De akkor ehen doglunk bazeg! Rendben, ezt a jogotokat meghagyjuk..."
2010. november 24. 12:38
Guardian should send a reporter to Hungary, instead of translating typical phrases without even modify them from Népszabadsàg... But such a phrase, that Solyom would be a "Fidesz-man" would be too extremely idiot for even them...
2010. november 24. 12:25
Europe will simply not deal with these issues, just like it did not raise its voice after the harsh crackdown of the anti-goverment rallies. The latest positioning efforts of Fidesz do have in theory some potential for abuse of power, but this will have to be proven in reality by the actions of the government in the years to come. Then, and only then should we sound the alarm on a wider scale.
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