Nem a pusztulás, a paradicsom vár ránk
Lenyűgöző előadás, amelyben a szereplők nemcsak az emberi test korlátait feszegetik, hanem arra a kérdésre is választ keresnek, elérheti-e az ember a szeretet legmagasabb fokát.
Miklos Jancso, a Hungarian filmmaker who used episodes from his nation’s history to create critically praised parables of war and oppression, died on Friday. He was 92.
„»This film isn’t just about 1956,« Mr. Jancso said in a 2003 interview for Kinoeye, an online magazine about European film. »The film is about the fact that there are people who want to be free and people who are oppressing them. The oppressors always use the same methods. In the places where there is no freedom — Turkey, Iran, China — it’s a very simple equation.«