Hungary is no longer a democracy

2013. április 10. 10:15

What is at stake here is the nature of the European project and the ability of Europe to preserve our common and most precious commodity: democracy.

2013. április 10. 10:15
Benjamin Abtan
„In Hungary, however, the stage of risk was overstepped a long time ago. Actions under Article 7 should therefore be urgently taken, as a first step towards a strong EU commitment to defend democracy and its values.

Similarly, European civil society must continue to commit itself strongly to support Hungarian democrats who bravely fight within the country itself.

If the EU and civil society were not to commit themselves with the determination required by the gravity of the situation, we would be doomed to witness its rapid decay, in Hungary and soon elsewhere, if the European commitment turned out to be insufficient.

Let there be no mistake: what is at stake here is the nature of the European project and the ability of Europe to preserve our common and most precious commodity: democracy. For several decades, the choice between barbarism and democracy has never been so obvious.”

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2013. április 29. 02:00
Is this Benjamin Middle-East calling Hungarians barbarians? Who is this ignorant f***?
Botos Menteur Máté
2013. április 29. 02:00
Abtan's piece is an excellent summary. It offers the reader a good collection of all the laughable, base, and superficial lies the "left" tries to spread about Hungary's present government. -- This is the government, which sent the only Roma MEP to Brussels, and developed a program for Roma integration during its presidency. This is the government which introduced the Holocaust Memorial Day in Hungary... There is a good sentence at the end of the piece: "Resolutely, we have to choose Europe and democracy." Yes, Mr. Abtan: we have to choose democracy and you should be excluded from it. You and your kind of liars endanger Europe and democracy day by day.
felfújta a szél
2013. április 29. 02:00
"European civil society must continue to commit itself strongly to support Hungarian democrats who bravely fight within the country itself." International communist society must continue to commit itself strongly to support Hungarian comrades who bravely fight within the country itself. Those texts are much to familiar for us
2013. április 29. 02:00
Please, please, please, Mr.Benjamin Abtan, president of the European Grassroots Antiracist Movement (EGAM)! Help us to get the hell out of your dying Europe! Please! Well, until you and your ilk do so, it would be maybe advisable that you write, that is if you really have to, stuff that has some, a tiny bit of semblance of reality, facts and truth. Otherwise you are just another hypomaniac in the line of many, who think it is their holy war-mission to kill us. You don't like us, you, deservedly I may say so, are disliked. We should part, don't you think? We would be just fine, sitting on the sidelines, watching your EU-dream collapsing on you all. Keep up the good fight though, what would happen to the grass, the root and racism without a leech like you? Ai Weh! Oh, one more thing! You may have heard about the British plans to hold a referendum on leaving your happy yet thoroughly dysfunctional family?
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