What Are The Euro 2012 Sponsors Going To Do About Racism?

2012. június 08. 13:02

The alleged blatant intolerance reported is cause for the gravest concern for football, for society and for your company.

2012. június 08. 13:02
David Connor
David Coethica

I’m too world-weary to expect the our society to be  a sanitised place, and there are no patriotic ivory towers to hide within, but the European Championship is a multi-billion dollar event and I am intrigued to find out more about the brands who have spent millions on sponsorships and plans. Each of the twelve companies listed below professes to understand CSR but where will the material local geographic event issues within their plans?

In a game with a power to influence so many people through the wonder of TV and growing online media is there a PR time-bomb waiting to expose these big brands as associated with racism to millions of impressionable young football fans?

I understand that racism and hate crimes are indicators of deeper social challenges beyond the walls of football stadia, but the alleged blatant intolerance reported is cause for the gravest concern for football, for society and for your company. I also understand that a two week football tournament is not an authentic time frame for substantial wider cultural change to be accomplished, but there is a once in a lifetime opportunity to address this particular issue.

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2012. június 09. 01:33
Mindjárt kezdődik a foci EB!!!!! Ólééééé oléoléoléé óléééééééééé óléééééééééé Ólééééé oléoléoléé óléééééééééé óléééééééééé
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