Crusade against Hungary

2012. március 07. 14:58

Hungary became fair game for the next phase of the liberal crusade: U.S. intervention.

2012. március 07. 14:58
Marion Smith
National Review Online

„In stark contrast to the Left’s timidity in the face of actual authoritarian regimes such as China and Russia, the liberal media’s treatment of Hungary has aggressively crossed the line. Paul Krugman of the New York Times sounded the alarm after Hungary’s conservative Fidesz-KDNP alliance won 68 percent of the seats in Parliament in the 2010 elections. He foresaw a post-Soviet »re-establishment of authoritarian rule« in Hungary. The British Guardian fell into line, describing Hungary’s new prime minister, Viktor Orbán, as an »autocratic leader«. The Washington Post, not to be outdone, compared Hungary to Belarus and Putin’s Russia. Not long after, and with great satisfaction, Hungarian émigré professor Charles Gati announced in an op-ed in the Times that Hungary is »no longer a Western-style democracy.« Having been drummed out of the West by left-wing editorialists, Hungary became fair game for the next phase of the liberal crusade: U.S. intervention. Slander has turned into absurd policy prescriptions, intent on destroying one of the most electorally effective center-right parties in Europe. (...)

Yes, Hungary’s constitution has embraced the country’s heritage of Christianity, defined marriage in a traditional way, and proclaimed that life begins at conception. Hungary’s constitution also introduced a debt cap and reaffirmed Hungary’s 700-year-old forint as the national currency, to the chagrin of Brussels. These provisions reflect values held by most Hungarians and are therefore appropriately secured in their fundamental law. That Hungarians have decided to protect their traditional values unsurprisingly rankles the sensibilities of liberal pundits and bureaucrats in Europe and America, but it is hardly cause for crying »Dictatorship!«”

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2012. március 07. 16:08
Minden esetre kellemesebb a fentieket olvasni, mint a két nagy pundita, charles gati és mark palmer, véleményét: "Én mégis egyetértek Palmer nagykövettel: igenis vannak lehetőségek arra, hogy a kormányt – ha lehet, demokratikus módon, ha nem lehet, másképpen – elmozdítsák."
2012. március 07. 15:52
"These provisions reflect values held by most Hungarians and are therefore appropriately secured in their fundamental law." Aha, nyilván. Hasunkra ütünk aztán kijelentjük. Mert pl. lópérót sem tudunk a nemzeti konzultációról csak amit Viktor felköhögött. Igaz, ez is a tradíció része, mármint kijelenteni, hogy mit szeret a nép. De az is, hogy pont nem ugrik be semmi ami valóban tetszett volna a népnek...
2012. március 07. 15:23
"That Hungarians have decided to protect their traditional values unsurprisingly rankles the sensibilities of liberal pundits and bureaucrats in Europe and America, but it is hardly cause for crying »Dictatorship!«” Korrekt.
2012. március 07. 15:12
Van ám második oldal is. "This is not to say that all is well on the Danube. I have criticized certain policies of the Fidesz-KDNP government; for example, I noted in the Wall Street Journal certain problems with the new constitution, including inadequate legal protection of private property and economic freedom, as well as insufficient separation of powers. Despite missteps, however, Hungary is most assuredly not an “authoritarian” state like Belarus or Russia."
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