Re-populating Hungary

2011. augusztus 25. 16:38

The government has been pursuing an increasingly aggressive campaign of granting citizenship to ethnic Hungarians in the region.

2011. augusztus 25. 16:38
Saida Ayupova
Budapest Business Journal

„Hungary, like many other European countries, is facing a dilemma of promoting and protecting women’s rights on the one hand, and encouraging families to procreate by offering economic incentives on the other. Among such incentives the government has already introduced family tax preferences, established programs to advance part-time employment opportunities, expanded children's daycare and strengthened support systems for families with children.

However, the problem persists. According to the Eurostat’s forecast, Hungary’s population will decrease by 13% in the next 50 years. As one of the solutions, the government adopted a somewhat contradictory policy direction. On the one hand, Prime Minister Victor Orbán stated earlier this year that reversing demographic trends should be the answer to declining population rather than immigration. On the other hand, over the past year the government has been pursuing an increasingly aggressive campaign of granting citizenship to ethnic Hungarians in the region.

Romania, Croatia, Slovakia, Serbia, Ukraine and Austria have large Hungarian communities and, therefore, serve as the main target for the government’s attempt to simplify citizenship procedures for ethnic Hungarians. 100,000 of Hungarian passports have already been granted. Just yesterday President Schmitt delivered a speech in Cluj, Romania, encouraging thousands of Hungarians to apply for dual citizenship. While that would be possible in Romania, some countries, like Slovakia, do not allow its citizens to hold two passports.”

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2011. augusztus 26. 10:56
My dear Saida: re this passage "some countries, like Slovakia, do not allow its citizens to hold two passports." -- I would like to call your attention to two facts: 1: Slovakia do allow its citizens to hold two passport as Slovak citizens living in Hungary as members of the tót minority DO HAVE two passports, Hungarian and Slovakian. 2: Second: according to the new lay, proposed yesterday, Slovakia will allow for its citizens living in Slovakia to hold two passports. If I had a second life, I would be a journalist. It is so easy to talk nonsense!
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