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Újabb sportdiplomáciai sikereket jelentett be a Magyar Kajak-Kenu-szövetség.

"Today I am reminded of something worthwhile. The feelings and thoughts that flow when in the think of a race effort."
\"We have just finished up some race work in Sydney and are now heading home for the last few days before we leave for Europe.\"
\"Today I am reminded of something worthwhile. The feelings and thoughts that flow when in the think of a race effort. Worthwhile because all the preparation, training, testing, talking, listening, watching and learning doesn\'t stop. It continues to happen right up to and beyond each effort. This morning we broke from the race time table to do our effort earlier so to allow time to train after. We have committed to an approach which has us set on a certain path. For some it will seem like we are just trying to be different but for us it\'s about continuing the journey we are on.\"
\"Our focus and energy is being directed towards a very clear outcome. An immediate outcome which has us discussing the meaning of what we do, and talking about purposeful practice, being in the moment, working together and for each other, allowing things to happen and staying with the boat, shifting and changing our habits, and tapping into deeper concentration and energy to create, build and deliver a pure performance.\"
\"Here we had two race efforts to see what had come of our journey thus far. Good news is we are on track. The bad news, well not so much bad news are challenging news is its going to get more uncomfortable yet before it becomes comfortable and natural. Before we raced since trials we tested our boundaries and have learnt about the training we will use going forward. We have come to know more about each other and I sense we are all learning more about ourselves.\"