Akinek minden propaganda, ami a saját világképébe nem illik bele, az nagyon szegény világba zárja magát
Én mindig elismerem, ha valaki tényszerűen bizonyítja, hogy nem volt igazam.
The full picture is not just about growth. Hungary has had to tackle problems stemming from decades of economic mismanagement, which will take time.
"Some argue that this low deficit is unsustainable and only achieved because of the special taxes on some corporate sectors (namely finance, telecoms and energy), which amount to roughly 2 per cent of GDP. Would a larger deficit – and growing, equally unsustainable indebtedness – be better? Or – if austerity measures were introduced – should Hungary risk social and political instability, as seen in countries such as Greece. By introducing these taxes, the Orban government has ensured that the cost of building long-term stability is shared among those who made large profits before the crisis. We think this is only fair. Managing the country during the eurozone crisis without resorting to external help was, in reality, a great achievement – it proves that Hungary is capable of good, macro-economic management, whereas previously this country always found itself turning to the IMF.