Megdöbbentő tény: milliós hozamokat kapnak kézhez a családok – még ha ez valakiknek nem is tetszik
Vajon mi lesz a sorsa ennek az óriási összegnek, és kell-e tartani olyan akcióktól, amelyek állampapírok segítségével akarják megdönteni a kormányt?
The forint neared the psychological level of 300 forints to the euro last week soon after Mr. Matolcsy’s remarks were published.
"Hungary’s economy ministry said Monday investors are speculating against the Hungarian forint on the advice of a prominent financial analyst, and that is why the currency is weakening significantly against the euro. 'Nouriel Roubini, one of the most influential financial analysts in the world, recommended taking a forint short position in an investment note,' the ministry said in a statement. 'It seems that speculators have taken Mr. Roubini’s advice and started their attack on the forint.'