British rowing is on a high but with that comes pressure

2012. május 13. 19:18

In the first World Cup event of the season in Belgrade, GB Rowing Team won 12 medals in Olympic classes the best ever result for a World Cup event.

2012. május 13. 19:18
Zac Purchase

"It has been a fantastic few days for British rowing. Last weekend, in the first World Cup event of the season in Belgrade, the GB Rowing Team won 12 medals in Olympic classes – four golds, six silvers, two bronzes – the best ever result for a British team in a World Cup event. In doing so, we also sent a strong statement to every other country out there. Indeed, while it is still early days and we are not resting on our laurels, there are signs that this rowing team could be truly astonishing; the best Great Britain has ever put out. Here's hoping.

Certainly my rowing partner Mark Hunter and I were delighted to notch another win in the lightweight double scull, holding off a slightly unexpected challenge from a new Greece team to take gold. We started the race fast, like we always do, seeking to establish control early, and held it together in the middle part of the race before holding on in a sprint finish."

"So what next? Well, four years ago, we won every World Cup event in the run-up to the Olympics, before taking gold in Beijing, and that's our plan this time around too. Being the best in the world brings certain pressures and obligations – we are expected to rise to the occasion and to consistently beat the best in the field. But Mark and I thrive on such challenges. However while it was great to lay down a marker to show that we are fit, fast and strong, this year is all about London 2012. I'd take the odd second-place in the build-up races just as long as we get gold in London!

That said, we are taking nothing for granted."

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