Paul Krugman Likes the Supermajority…Sometimes

2012. november 22. 12:16

Krugman makes an argument for the importance of the legislative supermajority and defending the will of the majority of voters.

2012. november 22. 12:16
Ferenc Kumin

"I read with interest Paul Krugman’s opinion column in the New York Times last week, 'Let’s Not Make a Deal.' As the title of this week’s column suggests, published as it was just following the results of the US elections, Krugman makes an argument for the importance of the legislative supermajority and defending the will of the majority of voters.

His column focuses on the fiscal problems of the US and the disagreement between Democrats and Republicans about how to solve them. Following his re-election, and his party’s strong showing in the US Senate elections, President Obama, Krugman argues, should stand his ground and should not compromise with an obstructionist political opposition. The president, he says, won re-election 'with a populist campaign, so he can plausibly claim that Republicans are defying the will of the American people.'

That column was the first in a series of writings about Hungary. The subsequent writings appeared on his blog, The Conscience of a Liberal, and were written as guest posts by his Princeton colleague, Kim Lane Scheppele. Apparently, for Krugman, the legislative supermajority is a threat to democracy, unless of course it’s the supermajority of your own political interest and then, well, it’s the vaunted ‘will of the people’ and should not compromise."


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2012. december 05. 19:25
kumin forgets a few thing here and there... its not about the supermajority, its about how you achive and use it in the US, the electoral system is based on common agreement of the political parties and reflects not the will (ruthless cauculus) of only one side, as is the case with the neobolshevik fidesz party's so called electoral reforms in the US, even the supermajority does not fully allow the complete, yet again one sided rewamping of the whole institutional background of the democratic system - not to mention, that the possibility of total control does not mean that one should take advantage of it without even the slightest consultation with other players in the arena regarding the will of the people, brown-noser kumin should rather give an accepable explanation, why the orban government not even attempted to put such important thing as a new constitution and deep changes to the electoral system to a referendum...
Charlie Chan
2012. december 05. 19:24
Very good argument.
2012. november 29. 19:11
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