Dominóhatást indított el Trump: újabb szövetségesétől vehet könnyes búcsút Zelenszkij
Európa egyik vezető hatalma is ráeszmélt arra, hogy egyre nagyobb veszélynek van kitéve a kontinens.
Szeparatista parancsnok kéri számon a félmeztelenre vetkőztetett ukrán katonákon, hogy mit tettek a helyi polgári lakossággal.
A Kelet-Ukrajnában készült videón az orosz szeparatisták által kikiáltott Donyecki Népköztársaság egyik parancsnoka kérdezgeti az Ilovajszk környékén foglyul ejtett ukrán tiszteket és önkénteseket. A parancsnok szerint az ukránok kiirtották a település lakosságának 70 százalékát, foszfort és ideggázt vetettek be civilek ellen. Azt mondja, a foglyokat nem engedik szabadon, hanem újra kell építeniük azt, amit leromboltak.
A videó feliratának teljes angol nyelvű átirata:
0:12 Behind me are representatives of the Punishing Battalions such as Azov, Dnepr and Donbass
0:18 and also Officers of the Ukrainian Army
0:21 Look at what dreadful state they were in when we captured them
0:26 This is the so-called unit that, according to Avakov, broke out of the encirclement.
0:35 How's this ?
0:39 I haven't seen him
0:41 What do you mean you haven't see him? Doberman! - in Battalion Donbass!
0:46 He's in your Battalion bitch. Why are you fucking lying?
0:50 I haven't seen him in a long time
0:51 You haven't seen him in a long time huh ?
0:52 So for how long haven't you seen him?... Where's that pederast?
0:55 The last time I saw him...
0:56 That Chechen who promised to shave us, where is he?
1:00 The last time I saw him was in Popasnoe.
1:04 We'll get him too, like we got you.
1:07 That shithead's gonna end up in the same boat as you ass-hole
1:14 You didn't think you'd up here when you joined up with the Punitive Operation, did you bitch?
1:20 Total bullshit
1:24 Gandony?
1:25 Who's the border guard ?
1:27 Me
1:28 You? Be proud.
1:30 Is it yours?
1:31 It's Navy, not Army.
1:35 Don't worry. You're already here
1:45 Behind me are the Enlisted members of Ukraine's so-called Army
1:49 They're also in a deplorable miserable state;
1:52 you can see what the Ukrainian Army turned former police officers, workers & govt officials into
1:59 Our command made a decent decision; we're no longer going to release them
2:06 They're going to rebuild our homes, our factories, our roads
2:10 Have you understood?
2:12 Understood.
2:20 One by one, come here
2:22 This was left behind- it's not ours
2:28 Whose is this?
2:33 Get out... move it...
2:36 Everybody out... Let's go... Let's go...
2:43 Officers, get up.
2:46 Officers... go over there.
2:50 Dnepr Battalion... Donbass Battalion.. Battalion Azov... Halt
2:55 Who are you?
2:56 Are you an officer? (yes)
2:58 You're an officer with which Battalion?
3:00 ((unintelligible))
3:01 Dnepr? Donbass?
3:03 No... no
3:04 Which Battalion?
3:05 He's 'just' an Officer... Move it already, set your butt down, over there
3:12 So.. since you destroyed our cities
3:16 Killed our mothers, our sisters, our brothers, our fathers
3:20 It will be fair that you spend your time restoring our city
3:24 What do you think? Is that fair?
3:26 I can't hear you!
3:28 Yes... yes
3:29 Thank you for your understanding
3:31 Honorable ones
3:33 What's your name? That one
3:34 Get undressed. Quickly. Take it off.
3:36 What?
3:37 Dnepropetrovsk. Intelligence Battalion Reconnaissance
3:39 Recon? What were you reconnoitering?
3:42 We were picking up our guys from Ilovaisk
3:45 Picking up from Ilovaisk? Did you pick up many?
3:47 No
3:48 And you won't be picking any up
3:50 These bitches burned this city with phosphorous, poisoned it with gas
3:55 What do you think guys? Was that a proper thing to do to people?
3:59 Masyanyu, did you know? (nods no)
4:00 To ordinary people? Poisonous gas on human beings... You consider yourselves heroes?
4:08 Fine. Everything's understood
4:20 This was found among in the POWs' personal belongings
4:27 A "Prayer Book"..... Pray and Serve...
4:33 This prayer book didn't help them
4:35 They're now under the protection of the Donetsk People's Republic
4:39 and are going to restore our towns and villages
4:42 which they, yeah, took a prayer book to the battlefield and killed peaceful residents and bombed our city
4:56 Hurry up
5:02 Next
5:08 There are the Ukropis (Ukrainians) who came to our land to kill us
5:13 as terrorists even though we're locals who took steps to defend our country, our land
5:22 We'll fight them to the last generation, however long it takes, until they're off our land
5:27 To think they built this POW camp here for us
5:32 Come on out... One at a time
5:34 One at a time
5:37 They said one at a time
5:38 Move it
5:49 Which battalion? (Dnepr)-2?
5:52 You'll be helping us out now. Well done.
5:55 Faster damn it
5:59 The purpose of your peacekeeping mission?
6:02 We're police.... From Kherson
6:11 Bad upbringings
6:14 IS-3 (tank), you never saw one? (says No)
6:17 How long gave you been in Ilovaisk?
6:19 In Ilovaisk, I haven't been. I was somewhere under it (near it)
6:22 Ilovaisk?
6:26 No, Novopavo...
6:29 In Novopavlovka?
6:31 I don't remember the name
6:32 Be more specific
6:34 You don't remember either?
6:38 Not important then, who was with you?
6:40 Him?
6:42 You, tell me... where were you located with your unit?
6:47 Hmmm, at first in Mikhailovka (Mykhailivka) and then Alekseevka
6:57 Defenders of your government, JUMP and everyone together, in unison now
7:03 "He who doesn't jump is a defender - he who jumps is faggot" ( кто не скачет тот защитник - а кто скачет тот пидор!)
7:08 You fucking got it? Let's go... Quickly... JUMP!
7:17 Higher
7:19 Higher
7:21 Louder
7:25 Let's go you pederasts, let's go!
7:29 Everyone stop
7:31 You're going to rebuild our city
7:37 What do you think? Is that fair enough?
7:40 Yes
7:42 I can't hear you bitches
7:43 Yes, yes
7:46 A tanker?
7:47 No, infantry
7:49 Infantry?
7:50 Yes
7:51 Where did you serve? Where were you? Where was your unit? Where were you based?
7:56 We came to the ATO zone on August 12
7:59 Near Starabeshevo
8:04 Starabeshevo and then we were sent to Ilovaisk to stand at Roadblocks
8:12 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
8:21 (unintelligible) Military Unit (inintelligible)
8:25 Understood. You're a contract conscript? When does your contract end?
8:31 In a year
8:33 (someone off to the side) we do not execute people... fascist
8:35 We went with the deployment to....
8:38 I just need to know, are you a warrior or a simpering dog?
8:41 Ilovaisk, to the battlefield
8:43 to break our troops out of the encirclement and...
8:49 Did you get them out?
8:50 No, we didn't. We were defeated and suffered huge losses
8:55 Yes, amazing how you got out of there
8:58 So what do you think, was it worth it?
9:04 No
9:06 Well, say it like it is
9:09 It wasn't
9:13 We're the same people as you. Well, ok, so I'm a darkie (of Kavkaz blood),
9:15 It just so happens that three generations of my family have lived on this land
9:20 that you call, what do you light-skinned guys call us again?
9:22 Right, "Katsap", fuck. (negative word for Russians, from word goat, reference to goatees)
9:28 Among them are Ukrainians just like you, except they don't want to support that government, they hate it
9:39 They hate your government that's bombing our homes, burning, poisoning
9:46 You know they're poisoning us? ... No?
9:50 You're Intel and you didn't know about all the Grad Multiple Missile Launchers and mortars they're using?
9:57 The Uragans you shelled our town with?
9:59 So you never saw how Ilovaisk was being shelled?
10:04 Did you?
10:07 (nods yes).. Did you see?
10:10 Well what do you think? Was that right to do?
10:16 Fuck, if there was more time, I'd tell you how many people perished
10:22 Guys... we came to serve, to fight you and haven't told you how many of us died
10:32 But I want to tell you how many people died -
10:38 peaceful civilians who had nothing to do with the fighting- - they just wanted to live
10:43 Do you know how many of them died? ... In Ilovaisk?
10:46 I'll tell you...
10:48 More than twice as many died as remain alive
10:54 In other words, close to 70% of Ilovaisk's population died
10:59 ... killed... destroyed... burned, simply incinerated with phosphorous
11:08 and poison gas
11:10 I myself came under a gas attack... I didn't know what it was...
11:14 I came under a phosphorous gas attack.. Thank God... I survived
11:18 and I still have my health
11:24 Hey soldiers... you think that was a correct thing to do?
11:30 You wear crucifixes
11:34 Even if we had the capability, we'd never do that to you
11:38 How much of a low-life dog can you be to kill unarmed people?
11:43 Children...?
11:45 Elderly people...? Women...?
11:51 Ugh these people
11:54 Fuck, you can hardly be called people to do such things
11:56 Greetings Senya, you're our Commander, everyone already knows who you are
12:01 and we're once again under your command on the front lines
12:07 and as we witnessed, there are Ukrainian POWs here
12:11 Please tell people how many, what their fate will be & where they were taken prisoner
12:22 We captured 173 men... basically the units that went around terrorizing citizens
12:35 We captured many at Ilovaisk. Destroyed units of Spetsnaz,
12:42 Transportation, tank and so on... various militiary specialties...
12:49 As you can see for yourself, some of them are wounded
12:54 Among them are also, from what I understood, Dnepr Bns, Dnepr-1, Dnepr-2
13:00 Yes, Dnepr-1, Dnepr-2 and... who else...
13:05 Donbass Bn
13:06 Yes, Donbass
13:07 Yes, I speak with many divisions .. Their packs here .. a whole bunch of units
13:12 According to Avakov, the group, some group, broke out of Ilovaisk, pretending that this group broke out
13:24 Nobody broke through anywhere... Our valiant forces fulfilled their function as destined
13:38 God protected us, calmed these creatures to stop them from killing our mothers, fathers, children
13:48 No one will escape retaliation, nobody, as they say, will be left unscrutinized
13:54 Each one of them will answer for his deeds
13:57 There's some emergency
14:00 I'll wait for you... They're ready to surrender...
14:03 They need an envoy to guarantee their safety. They asked for you. They just called.
14:10 It's Donbass unit which after resisting for a long time
14:19 they blockaded the village, we had a few losses, no dead
14:30 They want to speak with you so the envoy...
14:34 Want to see me? I don't know why...
14:37 I'll try to convince them to stop fighting and offer them to restore the city rather than destroy it
14:46 Everyone who wants it receives medical help; we differ from them that way, we're not animals
14:53 and everyone who needs medical help, even under combat conditions,
14:59 receives it before proceeding to their next destination
15:21 A Major
15:45 Major Mogilan
15:48 Covered Roadblocks. Minefields. Now we are going to remove them.
15:56 Next
15:58 Lieutenant Yavolski. Same thing. Covered a Roadbock
16:04 Next
16:05 Sr Lieutenant (unintelligible) Covered the Roadblocks
16:10 Next
16:11 Major Sorokov. Covered the Roadblocks
16:17 Lieutenant Yevanco. Covered the Roadblocks
16:21 Are those your subordinates