Kitett magáért az „objektív” román sajtó: csak azért kell felvenni Ukrajnát az EU-ba, mert megtámadta Oroszország

Más érvet nem tudott felhozni az Adevarul, amikor nyíltan rátámadt a magyar kormányra.

The New York Times published an article yesterday entitled, 'Students Receive Subsidized Studies in Hungary — for a Price.' University education in Hungary is a curious topic for this prominent daily newspaper, but the reporter, Peter Teffer, generally treated it even-handedly and quotes a variety of sources.
"Here’s the focus: according to new rules, a student accepting Hungarian state-funded support to pay for university study must sign an agreement to work in Hungary for a certain period of time within 20 years after graduation. In the article, the NYT talks to (some) student leaders, professors, Minister Balog and me, and it points out that this requirement is unusual and raises the question about whether it violates EU principles of freedom of movement. It’s presented as a controversy. (...)