
Békemenet after: közönségtalálkozó Bayer Zsolttal, Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel és Horváth Józseffel szombaton 18 órától

Hungary Does Without EU and IMF

2010. augusztus 02. 11:27

The IMF and EU pushed Hungary to move forward with more sweeping cost-cutting efforts that would reduce recurring government obligations.

2010. augusztus 02. 11:27

„Inside the Ministry for National Economy here, a sign proclaims a "revolution" in Hungarian politics and declares that the country has regained its "ability for autonomy." The notice signals the new Hungarian government's determination to set its own economic agenda, even if that costs it the support of the International Monetary Fund and European Union. That support is the subject of a standoff between Budapest and the two organizations, which recently halted bailout-loan talks, saying Hungary wasn't doing enough to make durable cuts in state spending. The IMF has said it is willing to resume negotiations. But Hungary's Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, has indicated that his country intends to go it alone.

Mr. Orban, who took office in late May after a landslide election victory, has made it clear that he believes Hungary can survive without more IMF and EU aid, if the alternative is having to compromise on his plans to boost economic growth and create jobs. "It's an economic freedom fight," said a senior official in Mr. Orban's administration. "We are getting back the financial independence of the country."

Hungary's rebellion against the budget-cutting approach of the IMF and EU is an unwelcome development for leaders of the two organizations, who also are trying to enforce austerity programs for other governments, such as Greece's, that have been bailed out after amassing large public debts. "It could be a very important precedent for other countries," says Mark Weisbrot, an economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington and a critic of the IMF. "There needs to be more flexibility and more rationality injected into these policies." Mr. Orban, a populist politician who made a name for himself by calling for the removal of Russian troops from Hungary in the early days of the country's transition from communism to democracy, is promoting what his aides call a "patriotic economic policy."”

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Zoli Bécsből
2010. augusztus 03. 13:03
So we have 2 ways here: "to boost economic growth and create jobs" or "the budget-cutting approach". If somebody looks on the American history by Roosevelt, could understand in a Washington IMF office the story much better. So please guys, let show some empathy and understand, that if you have economical doctrines, others may have some as well... :)
2010. augusztus 03. 07:21
"It's an economic freedom fight," said a senior official in Mr. Orban's administration. "We are getting back the financial independence of the country." Yupp, this is what we're talking about!
2010. augusztus 02. 21:07
szeretném a mandiner szerkesztőinek megköszönni, hogy angol nyelvű cikkeket is elkezdtek szemlézni. több mint jó ötlet, ezen a ponton egyszerüen kötelező, ha azt akarjuk, hogy a jelen és jövőbeli magyar kormányok az ország érdekeit sikeres(ebb)en tudják képviselni. mitöbb, meg kell tanúljuk, hogy hogyan működik a Világ, és csak azért mert valakik valahol számunkra előnyös cikket irnak, még nem jelenti azt, hogy meggyőződésből, vagy tiszta elvektől vezérelve teszik. egyszerüen kriminális az, ahogy az elmúlt 20 évben a polgári kormányok átengedték a terepet az ellenfélnek - Washington esetén az szdsz-nek. meg kell érteni, nem csak a Brüsszelben nincs egység, de sokszor Washingtonban is lehet törésvonalakt találni és ezeket ki lehet és ki kell használni. példának okáért sokan csak pragmatikus okokból tűrik meg az IMF-et Washingtonban és az ENSZ-t NY-ban, de szivük szerint Moszkvába kivánják őket. magyarok, meg kell tanúlni (kül)politizálni (is)!
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