Europe made easy

2011. december 01. 13:16

When you’re an adult, never trust politicians and bankers who say they know what they’re doing, because they’re only looking out for themselves.

2011. december 01. 13:16
Matt Miller
Washington Post

„By the end of 2011 people thought there was still a chance to avoid disaster. Germany was the one country with enough money and discipline to bail out all the other borrowers. And Germany had the clout to get the European Central Bank to print enough money to keep things going until all these debts could somehow be restructured.

But frugal Germans didn’t want to bail out reckless Greeks or Italians.

So: We’ve reached the precipice because political and banking elites found it useful to run up colossal debts and pretend it was all manageable. And once it became clear it wasn’t, it was too late and too complicated to get all these people and countries and cultures to agree on a less bad way to untangle the mess.

There’s more, but that’s basically why we may have a depression, sweetheart. And that’s why we put our money under the mattress when it looked like this might happen.

The moral of the story? When you’re an adult, never trust politicians and bankers who say they know what they’re doing, because they’re only looking out for themselves.”

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2011. december 07. 15:30
Why should be politicians or bankers different from all of us?...
2011. december 03. 14:40
I am greatly surprised that the same magazine is able to publish such an articel ad, at another time, a text cursing Hungary's PM Orbán. For not only Germany started to do the bails out, but Hungary -- among the worst debtors under the Socialist governments -- started to deconstruct the unimaginable amount of loan and dept inherited from the post-Communists. And Orban's Hungary was able to show the first signs of success -- when the banking elites started to take revenge on it. Vain hope though they can collapse Hungary and push back to the pit. Hungary is getting our and it won' stop -- whatever the banking elite lies about our country and its government. Needless to say, the core of the above article would never be published in Hungarian Socialist magazines or papers -- never ever. They dig the pit, they want the country to be back in it -- and at the same time they parade around as "Socialists" -- a qualified case of serious schizophrenia supported by the European banking elite and the so-called European "Socialist" parties. They are sick, all.
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