European Free Speech Under Attack

2011. február 22. 13:52

My point is that Islam is not so much a religion as it is a totalitarian political ideology disguised as a religion.

2011. február 22. 13:52

„»The lights are going out all over Europe,« British Foreign Secretary Edward Grey famously remarked on the eve of World War I. I am reminded of those words whenever I read about Europeans being dragged into court for so-called hate-speech crimes.

Recently, Danish journalist Lars Hedegaard, president of the International Free Press Society, had to stand trial in Copenhagen because he had criticized Islam. Mr. Hedegaard was acquitted, but only on the technicality that he had not known that his words, expressed in a private conversation, were being taped. Last week in Vienna, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, an Austrian human-rights activist, was fined €480 for calling the Islamic prophet Muhammad a pedophile because he had consummated his marriage to a nine-year old girl. Meanwhile, my own trial in Amsterdam is dragging on, consuming valuable time that I would rather spend in parliament representing my million-and-a-half voters.

How can all this be possible in supposedly liberal Europe? The Dutch penal code states that anyone who either »publicly, verbally or in writing or image, deliberately expresses himself in any way that incites hatred against a group or people« or »in any way that insults a group of people because of their race, their religion or belief, their hetero- or homosexual inclination or their physical, psychological or mental handicap, will be punished.« Early in 2008, a number of leftist and Islamic organizations took me to court, claiming that by expressing my views on Islam I had deliberately »insulted« and »incited hatred« against Muslims. I argued then, as I will again in my forthcoming book, that Islam is primarily a totalitarian ideology aiming for world domination.”

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2011. február 23. 09:25
Nem kell nekunk ehhez iszlam, Magyarorszag ugyis eleg xenofob, ez minket nem fenyeget, nalunk a tobbseg onkent es tapsviharban adja at a szabadsagjogait a kormanypartnak, ha azt remeli, hogy meguszhatja a kiigazitasokat. Ettol meg Wilders nem azert seggfej mert azt mondja, hogy az iszlam veszelyes a mi szekularis demokraciainkra nezve, hanem mert a masik oldalon meg radikalis (harcos) Izrael-parti (kb azt erositi, amit a radikalis cionista jobb, nevezetesen hogy ok a nyugati vilag kulturajanak az eros bastyajakent allnak keszenletben) es mert egy militarista pocs, aki legszivesebben holnap kereszteshaboruba kuldene europat, hogy a szabadsagunkat megvedjuk a veszelyes (es altala rettentoen lenezett) iszlammal szemen. Ugy csinal a fenti cikkben, mintha csak ahhoz a jogahoz ragaszkodna, hogy azt mondjon, amit akar, pedig amiket Wilders a Holland allam kepviselojekent mond, az onmaga is veszelyes.
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