The Putinization of Hungary

2010. december 27. 13:39

Europe cannot allow a member government to flout fundamental freedoms without consequence.

2010. december 27. 13:39
„Meanwhile, Mr. Orban has overseen passage of two media laws that will put Hungary in a league with Russia and Belarus on press freedom. One puts Fidesz in control of state television channels and all other public media outlets. The second, approved by parliament on Tuesday, creates a powerful Media Council with the authority to regulate newspapers, television, radio and the Internet. (...)

Hungary's private media have strongly protested. So have its democratic neighbors, who have compared Mr. Orban to Russia's Vladimir Putin. The foreign minister of Luxembourg had the sense to publicly question whether Hungary was suited to take over the rotating presidency Jan. 1. But some governments have kept quiet, preferring not to stir up yet another controversy in the crisis-plagued E.U.

That's the wrong approach. Europe cannot allow a member government to flout fundamental freedoms without consequence. Some ready leverage is available: Hungary is due to host a European Union summit meeting in Budapest in May, with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton expected to attend. Mr. Orban should be given a choice between curbing his concentration of power and amending the media laws - or suffering the humiliation of having the European Union and the United States move or boycott his summit.”
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2010. december 29. 00:43
Ez egy komolytalan cikk, amely megrendelésre készült. A szerző valószínűleg csak prospektusokból, meg a körúton belüli "kiválasztottak" hazudozásaiból ismeri(?) hazánkat. A sajtószabadságot egyébként éppenhogy a globális médiamaffia jól behatárolható, szupermonopóliummal bíró köre veszélyezteti. Csak az ágybavizelő nem tudja.
Senye Péter
2010. december 28. 09:14 "Over the years, enough evidence has been documented to suggest that it wasn’t the press that brought Nixon down, but rather government prosecutors and FBI agents who strategically leaked information to Woodward and Bernstein (and other reporters) in order to maintain political support for the investigations that were already underway behind the scenes, regardless of what the press was reporting." These guys are working again...
2010. december 27. 22:15
A cikk eleje: "The Putinization of Hungary Network News X Profile View More Activity TOOLBOX Resize Print E-mail Yahoo! Buzz Reprints COMMENT 59 Comments | View All » POST A COMMENT You must be logged in to leave a comment. Log in | Register Why Do I Have to Log In Again? Log In Again? CLOSE We've made some updates to's Groups, MyPost and comment pages. We need you to verify your MyPost ID by logging in before you can post to the new pages. We apologize for the inconvenience. Discussion Policy Your browser's settings may be preventing you from commenting on and viewing comments about this item. See instructions for fixing the problem. Discussion Policy CLOSE Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully responsible for the content that you post. Sunday, December 26, 2010; 7:07 PM NEXT MONTH many European Union members may be regretting their system of a rotating presidency. That's because the gavel will be handed to Hungary, whose populist and power-hungry government has just adopted a media law more suited to an authoritarian regime than to a Western democracy. The right-wing Fidesz party of Prime Minister Viktor Orban won 53 percent of the popular vote in an election this year but gained 66 percent of the seats in parliament - enough to change the constitution. It proceeded to take over or attack the authority of every institution it did not control, including the presidency, the Supreme Court and the state audit office; the central bank is now under its assault. Meanwhile, Mr. Orban has overseen..." Csak mert az oly liberális Post is szereti eltüntetni a cikkeit egy idő után.
2010. december 27. 21:41
The journalist asks the American government to blackmail Orbán and eventually Hungary, which is an outright crime. So he/she would be happy to see his/hers government commit a crime to change the Hungarian parliament's democratic vote! This is outrageously ridiculous! This is the world today! Az újságíró arra kéri az amerikai kormányt az utolsó bekezdéstől, hogy zsarolják Orbánt és végsősoron Magyarországot, ami egyértelműen egy bűntény. Ő teljesen egyetértene azzal, hogy az amerikai kormány bűntényt kövessen el, ahhoz, hogy megváltoztassák a Magyar Parlament demokratikus döntését/szavazatát, ami felháborítóan röhelyes. De sajnos ez a mai világ!
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