Itt az új világrend: gazdasági elemzés mutatott rá, Németország és Franciaország köthetik a nyúlcipőt, Putyin meg röhög a markába

Világosan látszik az elmúlt 20 év adatából, hogy merre tart a világ.

A rendőrök lőtték le a kanadai Aaron Drivert, aki nyíltan támogatta az Iszlám Államot és terrortámadásra készült. A kanadai férfi videón fogadott hűséget a terrorszervezetnek.
Mártír-videó készített halála előtt Aaron Driver, a kanadai Iszlám Állam-szimpatizáns, aki terrortámadásra készült az országban. A rendőrök megpróbálták letartóztatni, ekkor robbantott, majd a rendőrök lelőtték. A videón arról beszél, hogy a kanadaiaknak is meg kell fizetniük a muszlim vérért, ami a kezükhöz tapad. „Szomjazunk a véretekre” – mondta Driver, akit 2015 nyarán már letartóztattak azért, mert nyíltan támogatta az Iszlám Államot. Végül hűséget fogadott az Iszlám Államnak és vezetőjének, Abu Bakr al-Bagdadinak.
Itt a videó teljes szövege angolul:
„Oh Canada, you received many warnings. You were told many times what will become of those who fight against the Islamic State. You watched as your allies in Europe and America had their bullets and bombs returned back to them. You saw bodies of the filthy French laying in their own streets.
You saw explosions in Paris and Brussels, similar to the explosions they were dropping on citizens of the Islamic State. You saw brave men and women respond to the call of jihad. You saw that each member of the coalition of crusaders was being punished for their aggression against the Muslims. Then, perhaps, you found yourself safe from retaliation because you ran away from the battlefield. No, no by Allah you still have much to pay for.
You still have a heavy debt which has to be paid. You still have Muslim blood on your hands, and for this we are thirsty for your blood. There’s a fire burning in the chest of every Muslim, and this fire can be cooled only by the spilling of your blood. Your war on Islam is not the kind of crime we allow ourselves to dismiss, to forgive or to forget, insha’Allah.
You will pay for everything you ever brought against us. Whether you drop a bomb or fire a single bullet, we will hold you accountable for this, insha’Allah. Whether you spend millions in the war against Islam or you spend a single cent, we will hold you accountable, insha’Allah.
When you creep an inch towards the lands of Islam or you set foot over its boundaries, we will hold you accountable, insha’Allah.
You call yourselves peacekeepers on this Earth, but (Allah) has already warned us against you. You’re nothing but mischief-makers, and all you do is spread oppression and corruption. So today is the day you experience what it’s like to be targeted for your belief, insha’Allah.
I give my pledge of allegiance to (ISIL leader) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi … who’s called for jihad in the lands of crusaders, and I respond to this call.”