Syrian Refugees Are Welcome In My Home

2015. november 21. 17:45

I look forward to welcoming Syrians to my home and I wholeheartedly encourage other Americans to do the same.

2015. november 21. 17:45
Michael Moore
Huffington Post

„I'm disappointed in you, Governor Snyder, for your heartless and un-Christian actions, and for joining in with at least 25 other governors (all but one a Republican) who've decided to block legal Syrian refugees from coming into their states. Fortunately, I'm an American and not a Republican.

Governor, count me out of whatever you think it means to be a Michigander. I look forward to welcoming Syrians to my home and I wholeheartedly encourage other Americans to do the same.

Michael Moore

P.S. By the way, my 700-sq. ft. apartment in northern Michigan is a little small, but it's got cable, wi-fi and a new dishwasher! Also, no haters live on my floor! Stop by any time for a hot chocolate this winter.”

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2015. november 23. 07:56
They"ll be coming for social benefits not for your chocolate. Your liberalism does not seem to be working nowadays.
2015. november 22. 15:43
vigyed őket öcsém.
2015. november 22. 10:46
I just hope you won't select among them. (rocket-scientists, chemical weapon experts, brain-surgeons etc.)
Senye Péter
2015. november 22. 10:13
Nem ismerem az amerikai humort, de ez paródia is lehet, mert: 'Snyder kormányzó: Üdvözölnünk kell a menekülteket - ellenőrzésük után.' (Gov. Rick Snyder: We Must Welcome Refugees — After Screening Them) (
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