Mr. Orban Forgets

2011. január 04. 13:03

Mr. Orban may have forgotten, but Hungary’s tragic history has taught its people that a free press — and a checked government — cannot be taken for granted.

2011. január 04. 13:03

„Fidesz has already passed legislation limiting the powers of Hungary’s constitutional court to review financial measures, including Mr. Orban’s appropriation of pension funds to balance the budget. It has cut funding for the country’s independent fiscal council and packed other important oversight posts with reliable party loyalists. Not content to stop there, Mr. Orban has named a council to rewrite Hungary’s Constitution. Mr. Orban made his name in the late 1980s with his resistance to Soviet repression and his championing of an independent political life. Two decades later, he and his party appear to have forgotten those ideals.

The new press law has rightly drawn criticism from many other European leaders, including Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, leading members of the European Parliament, and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the continent’s monitor of electoral fairness. Mr. Orban, sounding like an old-style Soviet-bloc leader, dismissively retorted that »criticism from afar or from Western Europe doesn’t frighten us.«

Hungarians have refused to quietly fall in line. After Parliament passed the media law last month, several newspapers protested by publishing blank front pages. They deserve strong, continued international support. Mr. Orban may have forgotten, but Hungary’s tragic history has taught its people that a free press — and a checked government — cannot be taken for granted.”

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2011. január 05. 09:45
I fully understand Your cry and screaming, boy ! Till today You, so called liberals had the full monopoly of the Hungarian media ( both printed and broadcasted ) , so You had no obstacles to spread Your idiotic and arrogant liberal dogmatism and amorality. You, the liberals and democrats, as You call Yourselves, reserved the right to Yourselves to tell us what is correct and what is not. That is purely, the essence of the book 1984 by G. Orwell. And anybody else on Earth who had a different opinion or view was inmediately stamped by You as either rassist or antisemitist. Now, guys that is over. You must to accept the decision of the 2/3 of a country that we have enough of Your mental disaster. We want a free-conservative-Christian-democrat country where the values preserved during hundreds of centuries have been developed and that will rule our life again. And not the shit You want to press upon us. Keep Your nightmares in the USA ! That is the place for all sodoma and gomorra. God bless You !
2011. január 04. 17:55
This is from a country who started FULL BODY SCANS on everybody who wants to fly on an airplane. I think we, in Hungary, still do okay with "resistance to ... repression and ... championing of an independent political life", sorry NYT.
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