The New Budapest Metro Line Is an Awesome Psychedelic Trip

2014. március 30. 14:59

Despite its ill-fated genesis and controversial usefulness, the Metro 4 is an amazing engineering, architectural, and artistic achievement.

2014. március 30. 14:59
Attila Nagy

„After ten years of extremely expensive, slow, and politically messed up construction work–it is a long and sad story of government corruption and incompetence–Budapest, the Hungarian capital, got its fourth metro line today. Despite its ill-fated genesis and controversial usefulness, the Metro 4 is an amazing engineering, architectural, and artistic achievement, a mix of stunning concrete structures and trippy ornamentation. It looks stunning.

The first section of M4 is 7.4 km in length, and consisting of ten stations, connecting the southwestern Kelenföldi railway station located in Buda, and the eastern Keleti railway station in Pest, under the River Danube. The recently opened first section of the M4 cost approximately 452 billion HUF (ca. $2 billion). Gratuitous price tag? Decide for yourself!”

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2014. április 02. 03:55
Thank you for the promo! Nice pics!
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