„Today’s Washington Post has details on the C.I.A.’s new WikiLeaks task force. Known around the agency as »W.T.F.«, the the 24-person team charged with determining »whether the latest release of WikiLeaks documents might affect the agency's foreign relationships or operations«, according to C.I.A. spokesperson George Little. Within W.T.F. there are several subdivisions, which, unfortunately, are so secret and poorly named that they were not reported on by the Post. VF Daily, however, is rather well sourced in both the acronym and intelligence communities, and has information about several of these subdivisions.
L.O.L.: Leaked Official-document Lineup
R.O.T.F.L.: Regional Organization of Terribly Fastidious Litigation
O.M.G.: Office of Mobile Grapevines
B.F.F.: Baleful Forewarning Force
L.M.A.O.: League of Maddened Assange Opponents
Terrible, knotty, and clunky acronyms. No wonder the C.I.A. tried to keep them a secret.”