Ösztöndíjat indít a Danube Institute

2016. január 28. 11:23

Ösztöndíjat írt ki a budapesti székhelyű Danube Institute. A Batthyányi Lajos Alapítvány által létrehozott, magyar és nyugati, elsősorban angolszász jobboldali, konzervatív és klasszikus liberális nézeteket képviselő és közvetítő, világpolitikával és regionális politikákkal is foglalkozó intézetnél 2016 tavaszi hónapjaiban lehet gyakornoki munkát végezni. Jelentkezési határidő: február 7.

2016. január 28. 11:23

A Danube Institute ösztöndíjkiírása az alábbiakban olvasható.



The Danube Institute is inviting applications for its 4-month internship programme starting in the second half of February 2016. 
The internship will give four interns the chance to deepen their understanding of international events and trends, and develop their critical/editorial thinking. The activities involve providing, after initial training and under continuing guidance, edited current affairs content from the English-speaking world media for the DI website, and supporting the Institute in managing its conferences and other events. We provide a modest stipend.
Requirements: interest in, and general familiarity with international current affairs; a willingness to support the Institute’s aims; upper intermedia level English, native level Hungarian.
To apply, please send us your CV and cover letter in English, and a max. 350-word reasoning in Hungarian for or against one of the following statements:
- Nagy-Britannia csak nyerhet, ha kilép az EU-ból
- A migrációs válság alapvető oka a palesztin-izraeli konfliktus
- A népességszaporodást hatékonyan lehet serkenteni családtámogató intézkedésekkel
Please also say in which area you would like to assist the Institute: research, OR practical help with managing events, OR help with our website.
Application deadline: 7th February 2016. 
Application address: whittallklara (@) hotmail.com
About the Danube Institute
The Danube Institute exists to provide an independent center of intellectual debate for conservatives and classical liberals and their democratic opponents in Central Europe.
Based in Budapest and Washington it seeks to engage with centre-right institutions, scholars, political parties and individuals of achievement across the region to discuss problems of mutual interest. 
The Institute also seeks to establish a two-way transmission belt for centre-right ideas, policies and people between Central Europe, Western Europe, and the English speaking world, and to provide an authoritative source of rational and commonsens reporting and commentary for those covering Central Europe for the world outside the region.
Danube institute was founded by the Batthyány Lajos Foundation in 2013 and enjoys a close working relationship with the bi-monthly journal Hungarian Review.
The Institute promotes its aims through two main programmes:  the publication of studies on issues of public controversy and through seminars, debates, and public lectures. However, our activities go beyond a purely economic or political agenda to address the cultural and moral topics which increasingly shape attitudes to public policy issues.
Accordingly, it hosts film screenings and reviews plays and other works of particular social, historical, and cultural interest. Our internship and scholarship programmes are intended to advance the intellectual development and career prospects of young people in Central Europe.

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