Európai európaiak az európaibb európaiakért

2013. december 04. 12:40

Hiába csattog a neo-Szovjetunió világot szaggató foga, Ukrajna, kérem, meg van mentve a lehető legnagyobb betűs EURÓPAISÁG számára.

2013. december 04. 12:40
Uj Péter

„Hiába csattog a neo-Szovjetunió világot szaggató foga, Ukrajna, kérem, meg van mentve a lehető legnagyobb betűs EURÓPAISÁG számára: az Együtt–PM Jávor Benedekkel és Krasztev Péterrel az ukrán nagykövetség előtt flashmobot tartott Együtt Európába! címmel.

Vonítva fognak elhúzni Kijev alól az antieuropéer bolseopánszlávisták, a reputyinizáció hármaskeresztes-lovagjai, meglássák. S a vén Európa, a büszke nő pedig Varga Miklós dallamára keblére öleli, amúgy amarkordosan a tékozló fiút. (És ebben a gyönyörű allegóriázásban tekintsünk el a nemek körüli zavaroktól, homofób polgártársaink nagy megkönnyebbülésére.)

A kijevi események hatása alá került, az elmúlt éjszakákat lázas tanácskozással töltő hazai ellenzéki körökben állítólag végső eshetőségként egy taktikai slam poetry csapás ötlete is fölvetődött, de azt többen aránytalan erő alkalmazásának érezték volna, és tartottak a nemzetközi tiltakozástól, a tömegpusztító fegyverekre vonatkozó genfi konvenció, a hágai és a strasbourgi egyezmények megsértésétől, amely akár az egész helsinki folyamat elakadásához is vezethetett volna, annak a felelősségét pedig senki nem vállalhatja jó szívvel.”

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2013. december 04. 14:44
ps: wrong link! Sorry. this for those who are English readers! "By Simon Taylor The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Europe (ALDE) will have a contest to choose its candidate for the presidency of the European Commission. The period for nominations was opened this weekend at the party's annual congress and Guy Verhofstadt, leader of the ALDE group in the European Parliament, declared he would stand. Olli Rehn, Finland's European commissioner, has since announced his candidacy. So whereas the Party of European Socialists had only one candidate - Martin Schulz - ALDE is at least guaranteeing a primary contest. The deadline for nominations is 20 December. The result of the vote by the party membership will be declared on 1 February. The centre-right European People's Party is to decide on its candidate at a party congress on 6-7 March. Olli Rehn also announced that he will be a candidate in the elections for the European Parliament, which are to be held in the third week of May (25 May in Finland). The established custom is that European commissioners step aside from their day-jobs for at least a month for the election campaign. That means that Rehn's attendance at the meeting of the eurozone's and EU's finance ministers on 5-6 May looks doubtful and events after that, such as the European Business Summit (14-15 May) will be a no-go area. After a flurry of appointments in the top ranks of the European Commission, the pre-2004 member states of the European Union continue to dominate. In recent weeks, the Commission has made four appointments at the level of director-general. A Frenchman, Dominique Ristori, was moved from the Joint Research Centre to DG Energy to replace a Briton (Philip Lowe). In turn he will be replaced by a Slovak, Vladimir Sucha. At DG EAC a Spaniard (Xavier Prats Monne) will replace a Pole (Jan Truszczynski) when he retires next summer; and at DG EMPL a Frenchman (Michel Servoz) will replace a Dutchman (Koos Richelle) when he retires in February. Net gain for the not-so-new member states: nil. A net gain of one post for France, which will be the country with more directors-general than any other. Barring other appointments, once Truszczynski steps down, the only other directors-general from post-May 2004 member states are Jerzy Plewa (DG AGRI) and Rytis Martikonis in the translation service. Erwin Wetzel, currently deputy director-general of the European Vending Association, is to take over as director-general in January, replacing Catherine Piana. The appointment was presented on 28 November to the annual general meeting of the European Vending Association, which elected Jan-Marck Vrijlandt, group sales and marketing director of Selecta, as EVA president. He takes over from Arnaud van Amerongen, managing director of Aequator AG, who has held the presidency for the last six years. The meeting approved amended statues aimed at expanding EVA. The executive committee has been restructured and expanded from 11 members to 15. Members of the European Parliament's economic and monetary affairs committee will vote on Thursday (5 December) on whether to endorse Danièle Nouy to chair the European Central Bank's supervisory authority. Nouy, a senior official at the Banque de France, appeared before the committee on 27 November. She made a positive impression on MEPs and is expected to get the backing of committee members and then the full Parliament which will vote at its plenary session on 8-11 December. Under an agreement with ECB on its role as a single supervisor, the Parliament can reject the ECB's candidate. Swiss banks Credit Suisse and UBS have created a joint organisation to lobby in Brussels, the Swiss Finance Council, launched on 28 November. Alexis Lautenberg will head the office and will chair the SFC's board, whose other members are Urs Rohner and Axel Weber, the chairmen of the two banks. Lautenberg, who has been advising Steptoe & Johnson, a law firm, was Switzerland's ambassador to the EU (1993-99), to Italy (1999-2004) and London (2004-10). The SFC's office is at Square de Meeûs 35, already home to the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group, Banca Intesa, FleishmannHillard and the Belgian insurance ombudsman. The Zurich Insurance Group has set up an office in Brussels and appointed Adam McCarthy as head of European government affairs. He will be Zurich's first government-affairs professional to be based in Brussels and will report to Francis Bouchard, Zurich's head of government and industry affairs. McCarthy was previously director of government and trade relations at Johnson Controls, a corporate real estate management firm, in Brussels. More from the annual congress of the ALDE Party (which changed its name from the ELDR a year ago) held in London at the weekend. Graham Watson MEP was re-elected as president for another two-year term. The party also elected four vice-presidents from a list of five candidates. Those elected were Marc Guerrero i Tarrago, a board member of Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya (CDC), the ruling party in Catalonia; Lousewies van der Laan, from the Dutch left-liberal party D66; Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, an MEP from Germany's FDP; Karin Riis-Jorgensen, from Denmark's Venstre; and Olle Schmidt MEP, Folkparteit Liberalerna, Sweden. The one candidate to miss out was Niccolo Rinaldi MEP of the Italia dei Valori party. Cabinet appointments In the ranks of the European Commission, new staff have been appointed to the private offices of Kristalina Georgieva, the European commissioner for humanitarian aid, and Janusz Lewandowski, the European commissioner for financial planning and budget, to fill vacancies created by those moving out (and up). Anders Ahnlid has taken over as Sweden's permanent representative to the EU. Michael Steen, has stepped down as the bureau chief of the Financial Times' Frankfurt office, and is to join the European Central Bank as head of global media relations in January. Before going to the Frankfurt bureau in September 2012, Steen was the FT's assistant news editor from 2010. Before that, he had been the newspaper's correspondent in the Netherlands. Peter Ehrlich, a former bureau chief of Financial Times Deutschland, joined the bank as a communication adviser in June. More than a year ago, the energy company Gazprom, which is controlled by the Russian government, said that it would be opening a representative office in Brussels. It didn't happen then, but may happen soon. The timing is interesting. Relations between the EU and Russia are strained in the wake of the Eastern Partnership summit. More on that in Thursday's European Voice. The European Parliament's budgetary control committee has opted out of a confrontation with the British government over its nomination to the European Court of Auditors. The committee yesterday (2 December) gave its endorsement to five nominations to the court, which constitutes the EU's external auditor. Henri Grethen, who was being re-nominated by Luxembourg, and Nikolaos Milionis (Greece), Danièle Lamarque (France), Alex Brenninkmeijer (Netherlands), and Phil Wynn Owen (UK). The members of the court (one from each member state) are appointed for a six-year term by the EU's Council of Ministers. Parliament does not have the power to block an appointment, but has developed the habit of asking candidates whether they will withdraw their candidacy if not approved by MEPs. Wynn Owen refused to undertake to do so." Ps.: Ha valakiek volt türelme végigolvasni a fenti szöveget, legyen szives válaszoljon arra a kérdésre: "Jé! Ez az EU-demokrácia, ez lenne a "United States Of Europe" kivezető út? Hmm?
2013. december 04. 14:38
Ez az Uj Péter, feltételezhetően magyar, s mint olyannak, korláltolt (értelemszerűen) az angol tudása. De, itt alább van egy kis EU-Insider, amitől, ha még valakinek az EU demokráciától nem esett le az álla, most le fog rohadni!: Amúgy fényes-boldog Hanukkah-t mindenkinek! Holnap után jon a Mikulás!
di maggio
2013. december 04. 13:47
Megmondta Hofi a Kádár paródiában : Ütünk jobbra is, balra is.
Necoure Yamakee
2013. december 04. 13:19
Péter, ez tetszett. Az már kevésbé, hogy szinte minden témában ennyire komolyan vehetőek ezek az európaiak és ti mégis tapsikoltok a hasonló baromságaikhoz ha az ellenünk íly komolytalan.
Jelenleg csak a hozzászólások egy kis részét látja. Hozzászóláshoz és a további kommentek megtekintéséhez lépjen be, vagy regisztráljon!