Tiszások világa
Elengedhetetlen, hogy mindannyian megismerjük ezt a szubkultúrát, ezt a férges, leprás televényt, ahol ezek tenyésznek.
Robots that display human-like vulnerabilities may get on better with people than ones programmed to be too perfect, researchers suggest.
„Experts from the University of Lincoln found that people warmed to a robot if it made mistakes and showed human-like emotions, such as boredom. For the tests, robots were programmed to make errors, and the reactions of human participants were monitored.The findings could affect future robot design, said researchers. Dr John Murray, from the University of Lincoln's computer science department, and PhD researcher Mriganka Biswas conducted experiments with three robots. The first was Erwin (Emotional Robot With Intelligent Network) which was developed at the University of Lincoln's school of computer science, and can express five basic emotions.”