Orbán will be stopped

2014. október 09. 19:08

There is now a good chance of stopping Hungary’s prime minister—at the gates of Budapest in the city’s mayoral race.

2014. október 09. 19:08
Bokros Lajos
The Economist

„There is now a good chance of stopping Hungary’s prime minister—at the gates of Budapest in the city’s mayoral race (Orban the Unstoppable, September 27th). Ferenc Falus, the left-wing candidate, and Gyorgy Magyar, an independent one, have withdrawn and they are now supporting me, the candidate of a new centre-right conservative-liberal party, Movement for a Modern Hungary. This is a broad coalition of democratic opposition that rejects the populist-nationalist course of Viktor Orban.

As you say, the prime minister wants to establish an illiberal state with more monopolies, state-ownership, centralisation, government bullying and less freedom and competition. This undemocratic tendency destroys the rule of law and important checks and balances. It will be stopped on October 12th in Hungary’s capital city.”

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2016. január 08. 00:41
Well, the election ended. "You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. Come back when you're worthy."
2016. január 08. 00:41
It's a quote from a movie, you imbecile:) You ought to take some meds, X-files.
2016. január 08. 00:41
Then let me repeat that, you narrow-minded piecemeal necrosis. "Well, the election ended." The ELECTION. "You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. Come back when you're worthy."
2015. november 30. 18:00
Please english breehehe!
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