Innováció terén az oroszok leelőzték az ukránokat, és a Nyugat nagy részét
Kié az első huzalos drón? Amerikai? Nem, orosz, semmi sem tudja zavarni. Kié a Lancet? Orosz.
Not one of the entrepreneurs I spoke to mentioned money as the motivator.
„Being an entrepreneur myself, I wanted to know why others work with such persistence and dedication. I know that for me, it's not about money. Money is just a byproduct. So is it the same for others?
Not one of the entrepreneurs I spoke to mentioned money as the motivator.
Surprised? Don't be. When I write about company culture, I often note author Daniel Pink's philosophy that once money is off the table for people--meaning it's no longer a stress point or constantly on their mind because they're paid enough--they become driven by autonomy, mastery, and purpose.(...)
Some entrepreneurs simply want to avoid the daily grind that comes along with a career that isn't self-sustaining. Says Aron Schoenfeld, founder of and DreamArtists Studios, »Fear of failure is what motivates me to keep going. [I'm] scared of going back to corporate and being a robot again.«”