What Hungary can offer Europe and the world

2011. június 01. 17:05

Hungary’s Fidesz government turns one year old; and Hungary will complete its six-month stint in the Presidency of the EU.

2011. június 01. 17:05
Navracsics Tibor
Navracsics Tibor

There is still much we want to achieve in the remaining days of our Presidency. In particular, we will push as hard as we can to ensure that Croatia’s accession talks are concluded, giving our close neighbour a vision for joining the EU.

The accession of the Balkan countries has long been a priority for Hungary. The historic tragedy of the region has cast a shadow over of our own national story. The arrest of Ratko Mladic clears a path for Serbia to join and we will press our more recalcitrant EU partners to extend the promise of a more secure and prosperous future to all the people of the western Balkans.

They are policies and priorities that reflect central European realities as much as western European ones; and they are policies that seek to extend the promise of Europe to those at her frontiers in 2011. Just as 20 years ago Hungary dreamt of the security and prosperity that Europe offers, so do our neighbours today. Hungary's goal is to become central Europe's brightest beacon for economic and political advancement.

Another key goal is finalising the European Framework for Roma strategies. Hungarian policy makers have led this work form the start, reflecting our determination to improve the prospects of Roma people and ensure their reintegration into mainstream European life. We have succeeded in convincing our European partners that the Roma communities’ social inclusion is crucial to the EU’s future.

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2011. június 07. 19:31
Ennyi? A többi szomszédhoz hasonlóan is mindig megbízható és hálás horvátok istenítése, a cigányok össznépi támogatása - hurrá.
2011. június 04. 07:22
"I can tell you this is the very first time in years this small Central European country trying to form its own agenda and not just following others. Brave steps results wide scale debates as we know good enough from history. What is more, there's really no perfect model how to rebuild a state after the crisis - even the biggest and strongest intl powers suffering what and how to do. Hungary has some ideas. Its government has some serious public support. They did though things in their first year and we, foreigners just wondering whether it will be successful. If yes, well in that case my country and even yours, guys will have a great model to follow, from pension reform to debt financing." - Agata Dulansky Köszönjük!
2011. június 03. 13:48
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