Avoiding a U.S.-China cold war

2011. január 14. 14:17

America has a problem-solving approach; China is comfortable managing contradictions without assuming they are resolvable.

2011. január 14. 14:17

„North Korea provides a good example of differences in perspective. America is focused on the proliferation of nuclear weapons. China, which in the long run has more to fear from nuclear weapons there than we, in addition emphasizes propinquity. It is concerned about the turmoil that might follow if pressures on nonproliferation lead to the disintegration of the North Korean regime. America seeks a concrete solution to a specific problem. China views any such outcome as a midpoint in a series of interrelated challenges, with no finite end, about the future of Northeast Asia. For real progress, diplomacy with Korea needs a broader base.

Americans frequently appeal to China to prove its sense of »international responsibility« by contributing to the solution of a particular problem. The proposition that China must prove its bona fides is grating to a country that regards itself as adjusting to membership in an international system designed in its absence on the basis of programs it did not participate in developing. While America pursues pragmatic policies, China tends to view these policies as part of a general design. Indeed, it tends to find a rationale for essentially domestically driven initiatives in terms of an overall strategy to hold China down.

The test of world order is the extent to which the contending can reassure each other. In the American-Chinese relationship, the overriding reality is that neither country will ever be able to dominate the other and that conflict between them would exhaust their societies. Can they find a conceptual framework to express this reality? A concept of a Pacific community could become an organizing principle of the 21st century to avoid the formation of blocs. For this, they need a consultative mechanism that permits the elaboration of common long-term objectives and coordinates the positions of the two countries at international conferences. The aim should be to create a tradition of respect and cooperation so that the successors of leaders meeting now continue to see it in their interest to build an emerging world order as a joint enterprise.”

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2011. január 14. 17:24
'America has a problem-solving approach' Yeah, and if all you like to use is the hammer, then every problem is a nail. 'While America pursues pragmatic policies' America pursues policies with an ideology-based drive (democracy- market economy - human rights) and if these three knocks do not open a certain door, then the fourth knock is a hadbang against it. And as the good ol' American head is made of concrete, it usually bursts through the door, just to see the house empty for the little, nice Chinese merchantman bought everything up at a discount price 2 days before.
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