Michelle Obama is a modern-day Marie Antoinette

2010. augusztus 05. 14:52

Michelle Obama's trip contrasted with President Obama's demonization of the rich smacks of hypocrisy and perpetuates a disconnect between the country and its leaders.

2010. augusztus 05. 14:52
„While most of the country is pinching pennies and downsizing  summer sojourns - or forgoing them altogether - the Obamas don't seem to be heeding their own advice. While many of us are struggling, the First Lady is spending the next few days in a five-star hotel on the chic Costa del Sol in southern Spain with 40 of her »closest friends.« According to CNN, the group is expected to occupy 60 to 70 rooms, more than a third of the lodgings at the 160-room resort. Not exactly what one would call cutting back in troubled times.

Reports are calling the lodgings of  Obama's Spanish fiesta, the Hotel Villa Padierna in Marbella, »luxurious,« »posh« and »a millionaires' playground.« Estimated room rate per night? Up to a staggering $2,500. Method of transportation? Air Force Two. (...)

Instead, Michelle Obama seems more like a modern-day Marie Antoinette - the French queen who spent extravagantly on clothes and jewels without a thought for her subjects' plight - than an average mother of two. While she's spent her time in the White House telling parents they should relieve their chubby kids' dependency on sugar and stressing the importance of an organic veggie garden, hopping a jet to Europe to meet with Spanish royalty isn't the visual the White House probably wants to project. Perhaps they've forgotten the damning image of John Kerry, on the eve of the 2004 election, windsurfing off the coast of Nantucket?

I don't begrudge anyone rest and relaxation when they work hard. We all need downtime - the First Family included. It's the extravagance of Michelle Obama's trip and glitzy destination contrasted with President Obama's demonization of the rich that smacks of hypocrisy and perpetuates a disconnect between the country and its leaders. Toning down the flash would humanize the Obamas and signify that they sympathize with the setbacks of the people they were elected to serve.”
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2010. augusztus 08. 11:33
Turániul írok, mert a hunglishom odavágná a postot.... Ellenberger - ha lehet kommentelni a Neten a cikket, ODA ÁNGLIUS szidalmakat rájtingolok bele. Szóval: EGY EMBEREVŐ SVARC onokája elvett egy rabszolga-leszármazottat, feketét. Mitagadás, én is bejátszanám neki exoticusan a lonpost...:)) Az azonban EGY MERŐ HÜLYESÉG, hoghy ezt a fekete muffot egy HABSBURG-LOTHRINGEN-lányra, egy Bourbon-feleségre hasonlítgassa a hülye konzumidiótáknak irott ízléstellen sajtó. Mert Marie Antoinette a SZÉLTŐL IS ÓVOTT, a világnak csak a királyi udvarokban folyó részét ismerő, FEUDÁLIS uralkodó végtelen fényűzést folytató neje volt, akit Danton végül lefejeztetett. HOL A HASONLÓSÁG??! Felajánlom Habsburg Gyurinak, ill. a legitim trónörökös, Habsburg-Lothringen családfő, az idős OTTÓ főhercegnek, valamint I. Juan Carlos d'Bourbon spanyol királynak: ingyen szétperlem Husszein O'Blama feleségit és a NY-HorseDick lapocskát! Álljunk már meg: Ejrópában a TOTÁLIS KÉKVÉRŰ nagy uralkodócsaládokat fekete ranszolgaivadékokkal hasonlítgatni BICSKANYITOGATÓ!!!
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