A new communique’ by a Hungarian citizen

2013. július 22. 16:06

Hungary stands on its own two feet.

2013. július 22. 16:06
András Kovács

"Hungary stands on its own two feet and will not ask the International Monetary Fund for any more loans because these loans only damage the people. There are factual examples of this to be had. This debt that must be refunded is now on the shoulders of Orbán. Gordon owned some big companies, among which there was one that dealt in ducks bought from private breeders for foodstuff. In time, it became apparent that Gordon had not paid his suppliers, thereby creating huge financial problems for these businesses, so much so that some who were unable to cope with the debt and the bankruptcy caused by the bills left unpaid by Gordon even committed suicide. Orbán is now having to pay these debts left by Gordon, just like when he first took office and had to pay the firemen all the overtime they had accumulated when Gyurcsány was still Premier. Gordon’s brief time in office caused so many problems to the citizens, such as when he cancelled the end-year bonus due to workers and to pensioners, lowered the child subsidies due to every family from three years to two years, and much else.

Yet despite all this, they are still trying to take over again!! It is no wonder that in 2010 Orbán Viktor’s government won 2/3 of the vote and the European Socialists and Liberals “got goose pimples on their backs”.  This grand victory immediately drew the attacks of European and Hungarian Socialists and Liberals, and it is still under attack. In 2012 the pressure by Socialists and LIberals against Orbán reached the point of interfering with the economy. For example, the Bloomberg news agency  relayed untrue coverage about the Hungarian economy, even damaging the rating of the florin. In time this news was shown to be false and Bloomberg had to apologize to the Hungarian government. The Hungarian people was so displeased by these events that over 500,000 people (children, families, elderly people and foreigners) took to the streets of Budapest to demonstrate their support and solidarity for Orban Viktor in a tangible way. The Hungarian population is ready to take to the streets again at any given moment if need be to show its support, and not just in Budapest but in any part of Hungary."

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