Greece and the EU share a common fate

2015. július 13. 13:55

These days will determine the future of Greece and the European Union, either strengthening them both or leading to their decline.

2015. július 13. 13:55
Nikos Konstandaras

„These days will determine the future of Greece and the European Union, either strengthening them both or leading to their decline. It is clear now that the problem is not simply economic – it has far-reaching consequences for Greece and for the future (and very existence) of the Union. Our country and the EU share a common fate. This was not so evident when danger appeared to be limited to the loss of confidence in the euro if Greece were forced to leave the common currency. Now the big question is whether the Union itself can survive when its leaders appear unable to prevent a small problem from poisoning the whole system. If the EU cannot solve the problem with Greece, the very foundations of the idea of a united Europe will be questioned.

Nothing shows up differences between opposing sides more than the moment when an agreement is possible. As long as the SYRIZA government and Greece’s creditors were far from compromise, both sides could claim that they were working earnestly for a solution and that the other side was undermining the effort. When the Greek government saw that the country would collapse if it did not meet creditors’ demands, we saw how difficult it was for the latter to reach a deal. Over the weekend, negotiations at the Eurogroup and at the summit of euro countries showed the lack of coordination and the disagreements between representatives of the member-states. They revealed, also, that the EU has not learned a valuable lesson of the past few years: A union of independent states must not allow itself to reach a point where one country becomes a pariah, a scapegoat. Problems must be solved in a depersonalized, institutional way.”
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