Nyílt levél Európának

2014. november 06. 08:20

When Hungary joined the European Union many pro-membership voters may have believed that they were joining a community of ideals before anything and would find a home of tender respite for certain unshakable values.

2014. november 06. 08:20
Béndek Péter
1000 A Mi Hazánk

Your Excellencies and Honourable Members of the Parliament,

When Hungary joined the European Union many pro-membership voters may have believed that they were joining a community of ideals before anything and would find a home of tender respite for certain unshakable values. They would never have thought, not even in their worst nightmares, that the EU could prove powerless and meek against the humiliation of the same hard-won values of Western civilization on their very own soil and what is obviously ever so dissillusioning for us is that it would happen in an ill-bred compromise, apparently, of Realpolitik, cowardice and materialistic interests in the face of the aggression committed by our own national government.

Nevertheless, when by voting for it we chose the EU we believed that it would withstand and guard against any such aggression whenever it would come from, and especially if it came from less consolidated, more lapse-prone political cultures within the Eastern European member states including our own. As much as the intrinsic European values are concerned the EU, as a matter of fact, has a duty to defend its citizens against their own governments even if the governments bear with democratic legitimacy, precisely because sheer numeric majority is not supposed to threaten the founding values of the European community of people, also granted that such values point beyond any actual interest in democratic deliberation. The EU's inability or lack of willingness to do so is strongly alarming and telltale of the fact that something has gone astray in Europe to such an extent at least that the governing values of the Atlantic civilization have moved out of place, eroded and lost appeal within the governing bodies of the Union and in some of the high offices of the Member States.

We as members of Hungary's Civic Conservative Party strongly urge the competent bodies of Member States and of the Union to reconsider their attitude to the core values of Europe, to the representation thereof and to the procedures as to how they may contain transgression coming from any corners of the European political landscape. We wish you warm heart and cold head in this journey back to our common roots.


Dr Péter Béndek, Chairman

The Civic Conservative Party (PKP) of Hungary

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2014. november 06. 19:04
You are stupid, Péter Béndek.
2014. november 06. 16:26
Errata: "We as members of Hungary's Civic Conservative Party ..." --> "We 3 all, as members of Hungary's Civic Conservative Party ..."
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